
At least mention the Android version, you know the version weve all had since Yesteryear.

@venc: Journalism at its finest :) lol

Guess whos taking the kids to Legoland this spring break!!??

@eddiemonster: I swear it was not my intention, I intended to put a survey says family feud image but I guess I rushed it and didnt read the bottom line.

@link12245: LMAO I didnt even read that part I just got the first family fued picture I found with survey says lmao oops

@kitkatklub123: Its a conspiracy I tell you!! Wouldnt surprise me to see a 99% yes vote now ... lol


@Graymulligan: Hence why I sold an Ipad I got as a gift lol I couldnt even setup my homescreen to how I wanted!

@Justin: I think hes on topic. The topic asked if he was going to buy one. He said no while stating his very strong love of Android. ;)

From reading the comments looks like we should start a new poll to see how many of us jumped to Android waiting for this lol Im really interested to find out lol Seems like Apple lost alot of potential customers by waiting to pull the trigger. I know I would of gotten a Verizon Iphone 2 years ago but this year I went

Is this an anonymous vote? I voted and cant see the results?

@Almightywhacko: Ya I switched from Verizon to Sprint in August for the Evo and its the best decision ever. Not only am I paying faaaaaaar less for more features that Verizon ever offered I have a kick ass phone as well.

Hell No :)

What you talking about??

As a proud HTC Evo owner I have never been more proud of my phone lol Yes it was an Htc Evo.

@redking315: If I had to suffer through the prequels so shall my kids!! lol

Being the sucker that George Lucas knows I am! Consider the 9 disc set mine!! Hmmm still cant find on Amazon :(

But with the Evo you get to save $$ on your monthly bill :)

I'll keep enjoying my 1080p on my gorgeous non 3d 50 inch tv (i know its tiny but it does its job) with my 7.1 lossless audio setup. Sure if you have a 25 inch tv the difference wont be noticeable but my eyes can see the difference between SD and HD and they dont like SD!! When Blurays are now as cheap or cheaper than