And yet Lohan is free to drukenly walk the streets violation after violation.
So just use Android's pinch to expand or swipe to dismiss ?
Ok Nexus 7 for me it is then! Work is getting us Ipad Mini's for xmas so guess ill sell it and buy 2 Nexus 7's for a few bucks more.
Legen... wait for it... DARY!!!
Nexus 7 here I come! Time to finally pick one up.
Im waiting to hear from the Nexus 10 come Monday, if not I'll be ordering a Nexus 7. Been reading The Walking Dead Comics on my S3 so I can only imagine how much sweeter they would look on a 7-10 inch screen.
Ya when I first moved to Sprint I was getting over 2mb 3g, now im lucky to get 1/5 th :(
Think Sprint first needs to add some LTE. Just went I got Wimax, It got shut down for an LTE network that isnt even up yet other than a few cities.
1st world problems.
Looks like it works on secondary comments, I tried it on the wifeys wall with a post but it didnt work. They did however show up when I commented on that status I had just made though lol
Technically Jim Mora isn't a "Jr."
Some apps are up
Im getting a little tired of all these anti Apple articles bashing little... wait what? Where am I? lol