This makes me feel like dusting off the ole' Uncharted 2 and finishing off that platinum I never got.
This makes me feel like dusting off the ole' Uncharted 2 and finishing off that platinum I never got.
I paid good money for my Plasma Tv, im not hiding it! I proudly display it! Its the main focus point of my living room.
Moving on nothing good this week other than the Angry Birds beta if you can get your hands on.
@cocomojoe2: Ya just backed this one up today so Im ready to mess around with others when I have time.
@cocomojoe2: Thanks Ive managed to pick up on this Android stuff pretty well. Just got my CM6 up and running today to how I really like it.
@adorkablejuliep: Just get an apk from online, i never got beta and the swype apk installed great.
@cocomojoe2: theres a swype kb with voice icon beta out there somewhere if you really want it.
Swype on Evo 4g FTW!!!
The $10 4g unlimited data fee isnt starting to look that bad now.
LOL ya but how bout when a movie is 1:85 or even watching tv?? Now your stuck with bars on the side. Seriously ppl need to get over the black bars. Actually my son is watching Cars bluray right now, only a matter of time before he complains about the black bar... lol jk he wont hes only 2 :D
Everytime I see this Android robot it reminds me of South Parks Terrance & Phillip lol
@jralph32: I still have the stock adw theme, i just swiped up on the dock to hide the icons and then I can drag my own shortcuts to the bottom.
@masterm!nd: If I swipe down on the bottom screen it brings out my dock with phone dialer and drawer tray.
@combat chuck: Beautiful Widget. See its been answered lol
Im liking ADW stock with CM6. After a few tweaks I see no lag like some ppl complain about. I dont really even use the dock just icons at bottom.
@thiagohf113: I actually just installed CM6 and asked how to get Nascar app back just for laughs lol. Almost got butt whooped lol
This phone looks awesome but I had to go the Evo 4g. With Swype installed I dont miss the physical kb, my old crappy verizon phone had a keyboard too. Either way you go though both phones will rock you.
@thiagohf113: Cyanogen CM6 :D
@Brandon Fletcher: oops thought it was 1.6 lol