
The same reason people still eat Cocoa puffs when they could eat Chia seeds. Because Chia seeds are disgusting and mink is fucking pretty

carpet matches drapes

I know you know how much I also hate Guy Fieri, but I would eat that abomination and I would eat it all in one sitting, so help me God.

Do you think mom's a stripper?

This kid's got some sort of disability, right?

The similarities are striking.

The prank or joke is probably that someone is writing fake notes to a nonexistent employee. I'm sure all the employees probably look forward to each day's new 'Shane note.' I know it would probably be the highlight of my day if I worked at Walmart.

I think that story says more about how US- (and, to a lesser extent, Euro-) centric our education system is, even at its best, than about how dumb the kids were.

When I was eight, I was the world's premiere designer of rabbit dwellings. That's right, I sketched homes for bunnies. It was hard work, but someone's gotta do it. Sadly, nobody ever paid for my designs. Bunnies are cheap-asses.

I remember the Olean disclaimers when those chips first came out, they included my all-time favorite polite euphemism: "may result in unsolicited stools."

"It's been a rough couple of years for my family. There have been land disputes, a few nasty feuds, several imprisonments and a beheading. But perhaps our most celebrated misfortune was what has come to be known as The Brown Wedding.

Wow. I wrote you a fairly well-thought out comment detailing the issues with this script, and you dismiss everything I say because of one word? That's... mature.

Oh, honey. Basically everything you've said is completely wrong.

It seems like a reasonable person might realize that this kind of thing would be possible. Hell, even likely. One should probably assume that this gentleman does not hit a lot of golf balls out of peoples' asses. So, there's a decent chance he might miss. She willingly participated in this stunt so I don't understand

I am sorry but I see no injustice here. She was not forced to do it and she was laughing at first. Just because it did not go the way she wanted does not mean she can sue and cash in when real injustices are experienced on a daily basis by people who do not put themselves in harm way. Find another job where your ass

he's certainly no tiger. tiger would've smacked her ass much more discreetly in a hotel room.

Social worker PSA: