No problem. Gotta spread the love for this gem.Now they just have to put Rogue Legacy up for a flash sale, and I'll be in pixel Valhalla.
No problem. Gotta spread the love for this gem.Now they just have to put Rogue Legacy up for a flash sale, and I'll be in pixel Valhalla.
Just popped on ebay and snagged Drakengard 1 & 2 in "like new" condition for $27. Never played the originals, but I loved Nier with the strength of 1000 suns. It's time to get caught up in anticipation for 3.
Props for name dropping Magna Carta. I never got around to playing 2, but I adore the first one. It's a series that gets no respect. They're worth playing purely as a gaming history/culture artifacts because we get so few Korean games in the states (grindy PC MMOS excluded). Also Hyung Tae Kim's art melts my face off.
Whenever my wife, in her efforts to de-clutter our home, asks me why I even have a XB360, since I NEVER turn it on and it just takes up space, my only response is that I may want to replay Lost Odyssey some day. Beautiful game. One of Sakaguchi's best.
Definitely Panzer Saga. I came onto the Saturn appreciation scene a bit late (ie. long after the system was dead), so copies were already a bajillion dollars by the time I knew enough to know I should play it. Don't have any friends who own it to borrow from. Too proud to pirate. I'm a huge fan of the series at large,…
For those of you that are so inclined, Treasure's Astro Boy: The Omega Factor for the GBA is not only an incredible side scrolling Astro Boy game, but it's also a really stunning and informative tribute to Tezuka's career overall. As you explore the game you meet characters from all of his works, and collect neat…
Do we have any sort of estimated release date for the PS3 version of the Directors Cut yet? I sold my copy of the original as soon as the new version was announced and squirreled the money away. Now I'm anxious for more info.
I would hold off for a while if you're interested in XIII-2. Japan is getting a "complete" edition with all the DLC on disc in the near future. I would be very surprised if that didn't come out in the US. That way you can get Ultros and Gilgamesh without worrying about multiple downloads.
I can't really beat that. Maybe I'd counter with moe Daemonettes of Slaanesh, but I'm too scared to Google image search that while at work.
Here' a pretty comprehensive interview/article. I'll admit that I prettymuch stopped reading when I hit the words 'free-to-play model."
Titanfall suffers from what I like to call "The Halo Dilemma." They've shown me a world and a fiction that I am absolutely compelled to explore . . . and given me gameplay that will completely turn me off from doing so.
Gorgeous. Where's the "add to cart" button?
I can respect your personal stance, and would never question your right to be offended by this, or any other content; however, it's not "high time" that anything "stops." Kamitani's women are definitely problematic in alot of ways, but Kamitani is an artist. Blatantly sexist or not, his work is his own expression. He…
I've tried pretty hard to stay clear of this controversy because I detest getting involved in internet arguments, but I just wanted to pop on and thank you profusely for posting this amazing response. I've been ruminating over this issue for days, and all I can think about is how how bizarre it is that the DC…
Just wanted to point out that Lobo's already been confirmed as DLC this week, so I'm expecting a pretty similar situation to the MK reboot to go on with Injustice. Expect afew more characters, and then a year later there will likely be a complete edition with all download characters and extra costumes on the disc.…
I regretted typing it about twenty minutes after posting it because I realized how it could be read (ie. the way you just pointed out) but figured it would be dishonest to edit it out so late after posting it. You're 100% right in that it's a stupid statement to make. Just trust me when I say that I was coming from…
I understand. Thanks for your reply. I didn't quite reach the same conclusion from some of the language in your article because you did spend quite a bit of time discussing your history with your own identity. Those statements outweighed your questions on their actual importance in my read-through. So I really…