Bit Brush Studios

It's always been a hope of mine that one day my hometown, or somebody from my hometown, would do something so relevant to gaming that it would get a mention in my favorite game new outlets. Of course now that such an event has occurred, naturally its directly related to human waste. Good old Allentown represent.

Dragon's Crown has a spiritual connection to those excellent D&D beat em' ups. Vanillaware's head George Kamitani worked on the Mystara games when he used to work at Capcom. The resemblance is more than just coincidence.

That's the one!

I had a Game Gear first too. My father insisted it was the better buy due to the color screen. The screen blurring was so awful though. I remember feeling this odd mix of superiority toward my Gameboy owning friends because, I had what was I thought was a superior piece of hardware . . . but it was tinged with so

Ah the good old day's of sneaking in rounds of Mr. Chin's Gourmet Paradise behind the schoolyard's concrete divider wall during recess on Jed Becks' Gameboy. I was also obsessed with this sweet horizontal shooter featuring a cool Mech from Jaleco that I can never remember the name of. I didn't get my own system

Make sure to visit the Barracks on the characters' birthdays as well. You get sweet free items.

I was also pleasantly surprised by this facet of the Barracks the other day. I'm lame and go to bed prettymuch on the dot at 11 o'clock ever night, so I've never gotten told to go to bed; however the other morning I had an extra 15 minutes before work, so I fired the game up to take down some arisen, and Lon'qu was

My Virion just hit level A with Maribelle this morning. It's a delicious maelstrom of pretentious snobbery. Their marriage will bring me no small amount of joy.

Generals are fantastic. At least one has been at the forefront of my army in almost every Fire Emblem I've played. Just keep them away from magic users.

Yeah. I'm reading this list and weeping. Letting Kellam go screws your earliest chance of getting a General - one of FE's most punishing physical powerhouses, and a wall that, if present, could have very well saved Ricken and Olivia. And Vaike is your best chance to first-seal to a barbarian, and make the upgrade to

That's insane. This is exactly the era/place that I want to see most. I just want to climb around and explore that filthy, grimy, smokey, gray world. Rainslick cobblestone streets. Prostitutes with cockney accents hollering from foggy alleys. One-armed men trudging home from an unsafe factory job. The AC games have

I'm now officially imagining what it would take to make a functional Breaking Bad game that stays true to the spirit of the show. As far as I can figure, there's really only one way to go. Somebody get Telltale on the line. They've got some work to do.

I would say nay. And this is coming from a lifelong Blizzard fanboy, and a tremendous follower of WoW lore. I still have my day-1 launch copy of vanilla WoW. The simple matter is that WoW no longer offers the best (which to me translates to "most fun and rewarding) MMO experience for your gaming dollar. My

It should be pointed out for those that don't already know, that Ikachan is an early game by Daisuke "Pixel" Ayama, the creator of Cave Story. It has a similar art style to Cave Story, and though it's a much more brief experience, you can really feel the roots of what would later evolve into Pixel's most celebrated

Although I'm sorry to hear about your very real, very traumatizing experience with genuine Omnibot theft, the fact that someone actually had their Omnibot stolen, and that you weren't making a reference to Sunny is kinda hilarious is a dark way. It seems too bizarre a situation to happen outside of a sitcom.

Well, they're not very hard to find if you want to pony up the money to buy one. Nothing is thanks to ebay. However, I'm willing to bet that the system probably belongs to someone on the development staff. Just looking at their logo, and the game that they made tells me that they have hardcore, oldschool

Ricky Falcone is that you?

The best part of this commercial is clearly the barely disguised Saturn that those lil' folks are playing. The white controller makes my heart ache.

That Warhammer game is outright dead now, unfortunately. And Joe Madureira left Vigil last year, so you still have a shot at more Battle Chasers regardless of what happens to the developer.

That's what I was hoping for. Essentially a GoTY. This makes me a very happy nerd. I'm happy I waited on the original. I'll certainly be buying this.