
They’re still trying to figure out where East and West Korea went.

When asked about East Korea, Haley said it’s a nation that’s being recognized more and more.

“Obama destroyed the sky! Terrible color, very ugly, “poor taste.” From this day forward the sky will be gold.”

As an Alabamian let me just say fuck this shithole state and the vast majority of the people in it. I’ve been campaigning my ass off for Doug Jones for months, and that experience has led me to two things: A) He’s going to lose and it won’t even be close, and B) even if by some miracle he pulls this off it’s

Respectfully, why? You’re surrounded by hillbilly mouthbreathers who think Trump is Jesus and are angry that black people exist in a way that is not implicitly subservient to white people, and they’re making all your laws.

We lost nearly all of the 5 yr olds in the village, that winter of The Incident

I wish my dad had been told there was a trick for this. Could have saved me a lot of surgeries.

Somewhere in alabama roy moore both messed his pants AND declared this video some sort of commie, illegal immigrant witchcraft.

Oh trust me, this is just as embarrassing for me as it is for you.

Fear and Loathing in Wakanda

“I’m going to hit you so hard that when you wake up your clothes will be out of style!”

Not mine, but my favorite I’ve seen so far.

Roy Moore almost rushed the field, but saw bush and decided against it.

comes out of the hedge fund

We need Moore of this

26-14 or, as it’s known in Alabama, courtin’ ages.

No, it really isn’t weird. Many women are coming out with these stories now. I’m pretty sure student loans is pretty low down on Trump’s priorities right now anyway

Dear Men: