
And on NPR they promote their coverage of the inauguration of Donald Trump and I’m like, “DO YOU HEAR WHAT YOU ARE SAYING?” Like, my mind will never normalize this. Not anything that Trump does will be accepted by my psyche as anything near presidential.

The better for heart disease to get him. Fine with me.

Elle King came out of nowhere on my Pandora channel. When I learned she was Rob Schneider’s daughter I was like “Whaaaat? No! Whaaaat? No! Whaaaat? No! Whaaaaat??? NO!!! Whaaaaaaaat???? Whaaaaat???”

(although, of course, not in the eyes of White Supremacy, who only see a very particular kind of “white” as being acceptably white).

So is this whitesplaining? It’s some kind of splaining, just trying to figure out proper terminology.

What the actual fuck.

Yeah, I can’t even understand how anyone can expect a toddler to even understand corporal punishment at that age. That’s awful, I’m sorry.

Re: “Somewhat recognizable name” = “Toby Keith? Isn’t he that douch who sang about putting boots up people’s asses? Yeah, fuck him.”

Toby Keith is a has-been. His last claim to relevancy was in 2001.

Here’s the problem. You’re expecting competency from a state agency. You go in with extremely low expectations you won’t be disappointed/pissed off.

Oh, some guy didn’t have the time of his life dealing with the DMV? I wonder when he landed on planet Earth. There’s lots he’s going to want to catch up on.


Sure, if you’re only studying the result of behavior of different methods. What they don’t study is the negative effects and learned behavior from spanking.

As I’ve read parenting strategies it has occurred to me that these strategies are not so much directly addressing the child as it is training the parent. A well adjusted child is a result of parent training.

Yeah, my wife doesn’t 100% agree with me that we should never spank our kids, but she doesn’t raise a stink and doesn’t spank them. I sometimes wonder what I would do if she did ever spank our kids. I feel like I would probably have an incredibly strong response, like yours, one warning and that’s it.

We do the same with the yelling and screaming. I once had to endure 20 minutes from daycare back home with my then-4 year old daughter screaming and slamming the shit out of the back of my seat. Not one word, until she realized screaming wasn’t going to get her shit.

Take it from a busy, often frustrated parent who has decided to never cross the corporal punishment line: you are absolutely right.

If you actually go through the mental exercise of evaluating spanking as a means of punishment, you can’t really justify it at all. It does NOTHING positive whatsoever. The only results from spanking are negative.

What you’re essentially arguing for is a trade barrier, which is even more extreme than Cheetolini’s import tariffs.

Pretty sure more of his constituents are folks getting screwed by higher drug costs as opposed to the highly educated pharmaceutical employees who may not get that extra 10% bonus every year...