
I can't decide if I want to read the book or wait for the TV Movie. Please get crack-a-lackin' on that.


Walking through the mall is like Shakedown Street with Carnies barking at you to buy their overpriced junk.

I can't imagine a situation where any group would want to increase the probability of workplace death, but I can very well imagine wanting equal pay for equal work. Pay gap stratified by job and years of service is not the same thing as death rate gap. It's not like men die more often working an identical job. Pay

Ok so on a serious note, I think the key issue is choices. If a man wants to become a nurse, why should he not be allowed the opportunity to do just that, without the accompanying eye rolls and emasculating comments that probably come with that career choice. In contrast, if a women wants to become a forklift driver

No it was not a serious answer. Seriously! Although your beverages reference made e Google worker fatalities at breweries in the US, and that resulted in some unexpected results. I didn't realize brewing was so dangerous.

Or eliminate those jobs altogether, seeing as they are very unsafe. Can't we all just work at a desk and push paper?

the obvious conclusion is that men tend to be employed in more dangerous professions such as manufacturing and construction.

If it makes you feel any better, women outpace men in the "Death by Homicide" fatality in the workplace category. And if we drill down even more, it appears that a goodly portion of perpetrators were usually "relatives or domestic partners." From BLS of course. I find these sorts of things interesting.

I'm busy that day.

You don't have to shovel warm.

Is Chief Wahoo still a thing? That leering caricature is horrifyingly bad.

I was hoping for something more MacGyver-ish, like involving lengths of rope and duct tape (or duck tape if you like it old school).

Video won't play because I suck, but I think there was Bitcoin in the 90's it was called FLOOZ.

When did people swap eyelashes for caterpillars?

I'm old and don't care.

We had a "Women in Engineering" luncheon at my company, for the women engineers (all twelve of us). The next day there was a guy in line at the cafeteria bemoaning the fact that men don't get "a f*ing lunch." I tapped him on the shoulder and swung my arms around, yelling, "Welcome to your Men's Lunch! Every Blessed

I lived in Newark, NJ for many years and had family in Queens and Brooklyn. Now I spent quite a bit of time in Denver, which to me, is the whitest place I have ever seen (not really, Europe may win for whiteness).

I had a pizza in Norway that featured brown gravy and a whole fish. So, pizza fail!