Actually, I don't work at Best Buy anymore because I wanted what is called "a living wage." Also, when I worked there, it was a toxic environment, but it seems to have gotten better.
Actually, I don't work at Best Buy anymore because I wanted what is called "a living wage." Also, when I worked there, it was a toxic environment, but it seems to have gotten better.
When you sign your music, you make one contract for the release of the recordings (them and the label) and one for publishing (them and the publisher). Beastie Boys share ownership of this publishing with the publishing company once that contract is signed, but they have assigned stewardship of the publishing rights…
He painted a really nice fresco, though he really didn't understand why people care about painting bottles of soda.
Awww, does that mean you're not gonna get me one? :( :( :(
You are a bully, plain and simple. Whatever gender you are, you read too much into something and then bully. :/
So, no, you have nothing.
It's really simple. I have no idea what you're talking about in terms of my commenting on women objectifying Chiwetel Ojiofer. Just one link would be fine.
Looks like he took the honorary K-Fed thing seriously.
"Xbox One Disc Drive Issues Reported by Small Number of Users" vs. "PS4 'Blue Light of Death' Has No Clear Fix Yet"
Cue the stupid excuse brigade!
Well, in the US where I live, Christians are far and away the ones most often offending and hurting anyone different from themselves. They are the ones who I most often see forcing their beliefs on other people, demanding everyone else fall in line with their rules and opinions, trying to take away my rights based on…
God damn, you are the worst kind of person.
If they sold the Qur'an or Vedas in Costco Christians would protest and boycott Costco. Fox News would use their 24 hour news cycle to condemn the selling of these books of these books and ask why there aren't more bibles in Costco. If these book were then labeled as fiction nobody would know or care because it…
Who gives a shit if they find it insulting? They don't have the right to not be insulted. And their stupid fictional book isn't beyond reproach. It's precisely this mentality that stifles inquiry and free thought. No idea is above critique. And no one has any right to NOT be offended when their stupid ideas are…
"Costco is actually one of the more, uh, fair and just places to work. For starters, it's one of few large retailers that pays its workers a living wage. It receives high marks from human rights organizations for its treatment of the LGBT community. The store is also closed on Thanksgiving so that employees can…
Thank you for saying this much more succinctly than me.
You're missing the point. It's irrelevant here which kind of abuse is worse; the important thing is that we need to acknowledge and accept ALL abuse victims, regardless of their gender or that of their abuser. The OP was not trying to make this conversation about men; he was thanking the author for not making the…
I know anecdotes are not data but:
Wait. So a man wanting it to be acknowledged that abuse can go both ways makes him an MRA? I will be sure to tell my friend who's girlfriend used to beat him silly and throw shit at him that it wasn't abuse. Just for clarification, what term do I tell him to use to describe that behavior??