
So... the most important thing to a woman is her face, while the most important thing to a man is his penis?

Worse - a day or so ago on Slate she was advising a 17 year old girl who was raped by her drunken friend who she was trying to be helpful and supportive to because his parents had died to be thoughtful of the poor boy's terrible loss and not to talk to anyone who might report her rape to authorities. Hypocrisy much?

Perfectly stated, both your comments, thank you. I have half a mind just to copy both passages to save to my desktop for whenever there is a (un)reasoned debate about rape culture. All credit to jayaregee, of course.

I was going to respond, but you said everything perfectly right here.

"Emily Yoffe states explicitly that she understands perpetrators are to blame for sexual assault. How on Earth would you know that she doesn't really mean this statement?"

If you mentioned the same thing last week, it seems that you are willfully ignorant of the real problem in this situation. The problem wasn't that this girl was drinking the problem was the young men in question where rapists and they were picking their prey.

As a man I can go out and get shitfaced to my heart's content and not have to worry about whether I'm somehow contributing to my own rape. Why should women have to change their entire behaviors so that they have less of a chance of becoming a victim? There are lots of reasons not to go out and get shitfaced, but if

I feel like the most Boston thing about this story, for better or worse, is that he'll probably go.

Isn't this a little..racist? No matter your views on feminism, freedom or what is right/wrong according to your western standards, making fun of another culture and how they dress is very insulting. You're brainwashed to think middle eastern women are all slaves and forced to wear this but in truth, majority wear it

I don't quite understand the point of this... Is it mocking or buying into beliefs about feminists?

I don't even get to try the new one because I have a google apps account and they haven't updated yet.

I hate Pac 12 fans because I've met a lot of them that like to talk college football without knowing a god damned thing about it and take every rational explanation as a personal attack.

I'm not sure you understand how computers work.

People get suckered in to Oregon every year. Every year they say "no, really. This time it's different." And it never is.

Because it's totally his fault his O-Line's fucking blow and get him sacked more than any other QB in be bear's history. You're football stupid.

Yes. As a fan of the Red Sox, I am very butthurt. ;( <-This is me being butthurt.

I believe it is 'Murican.

I'm just kind of laughing over here....what a fucking moron.

I'm sorry what? Fanboy speak doesn't make sense in my world. You'll have to speak like a human if you want to converse with me.

OH, you're trying to assert that the PS4 lineup is shorter than the Xbox lineup... Aaand, Watchdogs was on both lineups so... right. Driveclub, really... that's what you're judging as a