
Oh, wow! Why would you show us this? That's it! I'm growing my own food from now on.

I double star you.

There's only one period shirt that I'll ever consider wearing:

Excellent. Just in time for the Thanksgiving Holiday. Grandma will LOVE IT when I stand up to pass the gravy boat across the table.

I find it hard to believe that there is a lack of female applicants. I applied for a job there that I was way overqualified for and didn't even get a callback. My female friend who applied for another role she was experienced and qualified for got as far as interview but did not get through the interview stages.

VC funding of startups is purely a whitey fratbro society.

I'm sure it's difficult to find a female employee who fits in with your company culture when your company culture contains a sizable amount of misogyny.

oh, a tech company lacks women in leadership? It must be a day that ends in y.

Friendly reminder that terms like "lady parts" (particularly in this context) are gross and super cissexist and probably should be avoided forever.

That is a blank that the law has clearly defined.

"What if?" is a dishonest hypothetical exercise that yields no real results. We do not specualte. We work from the information we have. As it stands, Chris Brown was raped by a 14 year old when he was 8.

An 8 year old cannot consent to sex. Your example does nothing but prove that you don't understand why child sexual abuse laws exist. I have already said that victimhood is not mutually exclusive with being a perpetrator of abuse.

I believe you, but I'm not going down that rabbit hole. I don't have patience.

No it's not. That's exactly why we have decided as a society that children cannot consent to sexual activity. Because their age alone makes them too young to make that decision.

An 8 year old cannot consent to sex.

Victim and abuser are not mutually exclusive.

But how is that not exactly what you're doing? You've implied now that this 14 year old deserves sympathy because of reasons you cannot know or possibly find out. You say what if she was abused, I say what if she was a sociopath who just liked hurting children? Neither of our questions are relevant in the situation

What you said.

Anyone who sleeps with an 8 year old is a rapist.

You don't think it's a little strange that the execution of a mentally ill black woman is automatically assumed to be justifiable homicide?