Also sexist, ablist, etcist.
Also sexist, ablist, etcist.
OMFG. Nyan cat is real
5 to 1 chance that you do not mention anything about backwards compatibility on your Xbox One preview...
Well I would not say they don't not not like rape.
any kind of nipple/breast/lookslikeanipplebutisanelbow will get removed
I give it 8 months before another NFL team hires him
There could be a few republican women on there!
Why would facebook care?
Their smarter then you think
Most of the Miami players are disgusting
Implying America has any beer worth drinking anways
He talked about the build quaility and plastic
Stop trolling
Troll is a troll is a troll
"As an electronics salesmen, I'm more than aware of how much of a difference 720p and 1080p actually are"
The s4 mini is not a top of the line phone you troll