
Go away you rapist supporting Rand Paul loving troll

Dang you!


This is not about YOU

"Male med students who're pre ob/gyn always say things like, "I'm just so fascinated by the female body, and I should be able to follow my passion." Ewewewewewew. I never allow a male gyno anywhere near me. And ugh, the absurd waste of personnel. Medical care is expensive enough without paying a nurse to stand in the

TL;DR: no one should be forbidden from entering a medical field based on gender, but the issue is complex and evolving. It's worth noting that most women and nearly all young women want a female, so men entering the field poses an ethical question. Medicine is about putting service and patients first. 57 minutes ago

Your opinion is utter bullshit and bigoted as fuck

IMO, a male pediatrician is OK up until things get gynological.

Why don't we just ban men from being doctors for women and vice versa

Cuz black people are never racist against black people

The teacher should be fired.

In other news:

and a random racist has appeared!

I see that you are a troll

I think it is time that companies start firing people for being Christians

Congress doesn't have time to waste on such frivolity.

Not a racist song??