
I just remember someone making a comment like yours on another post and the writer had simply posting part of the article and on the article it was in quotes

I am not a POC

Hugo of course

And the other writers of this site supported and defending him

Also Hugo was never a male feminist


Just like half of the writers here

About half of the comments didn't care about that and wanted to focus on the 14 year old as a 'victim'. Heck some of them from well known commenters even suggested that he raped the 14 year old

It might have to do with him quoting one of the articles but I am not sure if the wording he used would require the quote

Jezebel is not a feminist site.

If you think Schwyzer is the only problem that WOC had with Jezebel then you are sadly mistaken.

Why would you have outrage over that?


It does work and it is why you had to create this new account

Saudi Arabia seems to have bizarro world laws from the 1300's

"If he ends his deal with the store, scholarship money for the Shawn Carter Foundation will vanish"

I took five minutes and made this for you

Enjoy being a vile and disgusting racist then!

Doing something that a group of people may not like is not misogynistic or racist it isn't done with any awareness of race gender etc. 2 minutes ago