
You clearly are a dumbass

What do you think Oregon is doing?



Erin, You have do take one for the team and volunteer.

Georgia lost because 7 of its 8 best players are out

Firefox for android is a desktop class browser though.

That really only applies on desktop class web browsers.

I lack ovaries but this expression still works

You can do that on rooted devices

Google's new app launcher is halfbaked.

Cuz getting beat by OSU and Lane kiffin is dominate

cough jokes cough jokes

Football training mecca + 99.9999999999% of the money they bring in are from their one special billionaire alumni. How do you think a public school affords a different uniform for every week? They never beat anyone meaningful.

No big 12 team should be ranked.

Oregon has never been successful when it comes to national championships

it is not even close at all. mizzu is SEC sir

Mizzou had their star QB out the whole year

Mizzou had plenty succes. They often won their division