
Um. No

The only person making shit up is you.


The only people that are the worst part of society would be scum like you!

I'd wager 99.0% have not seen the term 'patriarchy' though :/

Feminism's use of 'patriarchy' only solidifies its racist, ableist, classist, trans*/homophbobic history

It is no more arcan or critical than patriarchy and it is racist/classist/albeit not to use it

You must be a troll

You are truly what is wrong with this country

Does Jezebel just refuse to use Kyriarchy?

Yes it is.

Ummmm No.

A quick google search would show you that they have even stated as much.

Australian rules football > Rugby

I wish there was a way to do things on an Android phone ( Nexus 4) without touching the screen. Stupid broken screen

Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin,

This is what the TSA agent thinks as they humiliate the Marine

The TSA has not made this country any safe. They have stopped ZERO attacks and are nothing more than a government supported molestation group .

The TSA has not mad this country any safe. They have stopped ZERO attacks and are nothing more than a government supported molestation group .

Have you ever seen WOC accomplishments on this site?