Millions of people have already signed up for plans.
He watches Fox News and reads infowars
Facts. Something you have no relationship with. Nothing you posted is based on facts
Nothing you posted is factual.
You could not recognize intelligence if it smacked you upside the head with a plank of wood.
"And if you look at the numbers...most of those "random assholes" are generally illegal immigrants. T"
The system we have had for 50+ years
The ACA rations nothing.
How uninformed can you be? This is almost comical
If you are a republicans or a libertarian than those words describe you well
Holy crap dude
I think $70 is the sweet spot for cases.
"actual injustice"
"Plus, I met him once at work."
Um... Troll has been a word for a very very looooooooooooooooooooong time
" but who knows where the English language is headed"
He has a lot more talent than 80% of white artists and they do not get half the shit that he does. This is about him being black and nothing else.