
In a piece that went up on HuffPost this morning, Moss now says that the show is definitely feminist and she is a “card-carrying feminist,” which I find confusingly contradictory to what she’s said before, but good for her!

Replace “Scientologist” with “Muslim”, reread the piece and determine if it still sounds reasonable, especially if your argument relies, out of hand, on dismissing a #NotAllMuslims argument. Either judge the person as an individual, or don’t, but don’t cherry pick. I don’t find Scientology to be compelling and their

Whether you like their product or not, their CEO seems to be a pretty great guy. He’s done a whole lot of good for his employees. It’s a super easy choice against Alex Jones who is probably rancid whale spooge personified.

Damn I’m confused.

I’m confused. Didn’t Jones just get done arguing that this is all an act?

The reason no one mentions the dead man’s crimes is that they are irrelevant to the way he was treated while in custody. 

Yea but as the author pointed out - This movie is sold as being about as an adaptation of the book which treats Skloot as a side character and the writing the book as a subplot to guide the narrative, but the movie shifted focus to the white writer and her ‘journey’. It’s just another example of taking main black

I get highly annoyed when white savior is wrongly thrown out as a critique of a story.

Stop. Hitting.

So they know how it feels?

When Beverley falls you see the guy jerk on his left side. It was quick and short, but I don’t know what else it could be besides a kick. Fuck that guy.

Props to everyone participating in this march BUT the fact that we have to have this is an embarrassment.

As a veteran of the Iraq debacle I would like to add fuck Lee Greenwood and that fucking song.

I can absolutely see a Weinstein orchestrating this. Free publicity, a chance to talk up how family friendly it is, and makes it look radical. It’ll probably be better for the movie overall.

There is no way in hell Weinstein doesn’t know that saying fuck multiple times gets you an R-rating by default. It feels like a crass publicity stunt to get outrage going over the ‘wrongful’ R-rating, possibly to distract attention away from casting a cis actress.

So we’re just ignoring the fact that Tom Perez, the head of the Democratic Party, stumped for Mello.

“So progressive. So inspiring.”