
That would SERIOUSLY change the ending of Thelma and Louise, The Director’s Cut.

I think Tavarish has made that point many times. He extols the virtues of getting your own hands dirty.

And 1,100 pounds +/-...

That’s the one!

Am I the only one who sees some Rolls Royce Silver Spirit (circa 1980) in that rear end?

Congrats, you more than tripled the price of the base model...

Yes, but if it is a ballistic missile, it’s not doing a ton of juking/weaving in the sky. It’s path is pretty much pre-ordained, even in the boost phase.

The experiment with becoming an ISP wasn’t that unusual. I worked for Best Buy at the time, and we installed ISP servers in our stores in 1997. The were for a company called “On Ramp” (‘cause it was the Information Superhighway, remember). The retail stores were already wired for network connectivity years before the

We just moved ~400 miles. Not cross country, but far enough. We moved all 14 cars. In true Jalop fashion, only about 1/2 of them run. Some were driven, some towed (by us) and 7 cars were hauled by a carrier. Pro Tip: You get a discount for renting the entire trailer.

Even if there wasn’t a completely fabricated medical reason not to be forced to put ketchup on hot dogs, my religion forbids it. You cannot EVER put ketchup on a hot dog. Use mustard, as it says in the Bible (possibly somewhere in Leviticus, or maybe there’s a psalm somewhere).

I’m also pretty sure the blocks are slightly different shapes and different materials, but I’m willing to accept your premise.

Having done a “big 6” M30 swap in to an E30 chassis, you are likely right. The inline sixes (both M30 and M20) are not light at all. This engine might be lighter, with an aluminum block.

I’m saying that I don’t buy the ability to separate the scientific and social aspects of this argument. The epidemiologists would say that the good of the whole outweighs and individual’s right to “remove themselves” from an immunization program. In this case, it isn’t about rights. It’s about the science. Pretending

When framed this way, it is the same argument used for slavery. It isn’t about slavery, it’s about a state’s right to choose maintain an economy dependent on forced labor.

Ours popped with no warning. Now, it was over 100K miles, but the 5.7L Hemi in our Durango simply seized while moving at 60mph. Not a fun ride. So, we bought another Durango that had a crate engine put in after its motor seized... It was cheap.

I agree. That paragraph, combined with the one following it, sum up the driving experience of my wife’s BMW 2002 and my 1957 Beetle (but with much scarier handling from the Bug). Well done, Tavarish.

I wait until these are $17 on sale every Black Friday at Sears and I usually buy two. I’ve destroyed a couple (plastic housings break), but I usually get 3-4 years out of them in the garage.

I wait until these are $17 on sale every Black Friday at Sears and I usually buy two. I’ve destroyed a couple

No, it’s because it has a stick up its ass.

The F40 an evolution of the 288GTO. Those cars are VERY related. Just look at the green houses. The F40 has new front and rear body work on what was the basic 288GTO shape. Yes, I’m oversimplifying, but the F40 was a development of the 288GTO.

On this car, the ECU pin-out is the same as the one with the bigger six. Find an ECU from an E34 535i and it is plug and play. We did it. It all works and looks like a BMW factory job.