
Rain? You're right.

Too bad this wasn't in Durango, Colorado. Could have been near Aspen, I suppose. Or with a Dihatsu Rocky...

I gotta toss Denise McCluggage in here.

No. All Seasons are for no seasons. They aren't the best on a dry road. Or in snow. They are, by default, a compromise. I am convinced that people who scream they don't need them have never tried them. I did once, I will never go back to not having them.

I also would like to deflate any "cheapass" argument thusly:

But they keep getting less small and less Mini-er with every iteration. There is a reason BMW decided that it should actually be MINI and not "Mini." It was foreshadowing.

That's MY deal Ed... My deal.

I wasn't questioning Nissan's spelling (although it is somewhat dubious, they've spelled it that way for 30 years now). As for the decal on the sidepod, it looks pretty much the same as last year's.

Which is odd, because I swear they spelled it "Infiniti." Hmmm, must be a typo.

Yes, if you look at the Thrust SSC, you see two massive intakes with a cockpit buried between them. This is a car in the sense that it is "land vehicle." But, land speed record cars stopped looking like normal cars in the 30's.

This is one of my favorite shots from the Thrust SSC run... You can see the shock wave coming off of the car, and the car in front of it.

Too short, unfortunately.

S62 (E39 M5) for the intakes alone!

Leaked photo:

BTW, they've just announced Dick Trickle and Gordon Johncock as their drivers for this year.

The obvious answer is that it was sold under its build cost for the first few years and the price is probably much closer to break-even now.

As my wife said: "It's cheating even if you never have sex with someone else. If you're pants are off, it's still cheating."

A chirp into 3rd gear. I love it.

I agree with you here. In my mind, this one of those parameters that should have been left open for the engine suppliers.

He also won a handful of races in a touring car. The WTCC wouldn't let him use hand controls (too easy to add traction control), so he had to drive using his prosthetic legs. Alex defines determination to me. Personally, I'm more concerned about his age holding him back than his legs.