
I'm sure there were 12 ignition coils and several redundant sensors... It's high on my list of "cars which I do not want to repair" despite the fact that the wife and I care for a couple of old BMWs already.

Actually, "only" two ECUs. Each one thought it was running a straight six, and BMW (Bosch) had plenty of experience with inline 6-cylinders.

I did exactly this. Used at $15K US with 60K miles on the clock... It's a nice hot hatch you don't see every day. A quick ECU reflash and a new rear engine mount (stock allows too much engine/trans movement in an effort to kill vibration) and I'm quite happy.

Driver: "DOH!"

Personally, I'd take more tracks than another 15 JDM versions of a Nissan Skyline. I'd love more real-world tracks, tracks that I'm likely to someday drive in my life time. In the US, I'd love to see Road America, Watkins Glen, Road Atlanta, Barber, Miller, Portland...

Also, I think this attitude towards embargoes fits well with the "Drive Free or Die" ethos...

Yes, this. I might be wrong in 10 years, but I believe the promise of autonomous delivery drones dropping off my pizza is going to be seen in the same light as the Chrysler Turbine Car.

Since they're doing it on a morning talk show, it certainly appears Ford is Selling the Drama.

I'll take that Miata Coupe on the left of me, thank you very much.

We had the same thing happen to us. We had to stop at a coin-op carwash to wash the dog. Fortunately, the vinyl seat cover saved the car.

Yes, you are right. The US aircraft are nearly always of a much higher quality. However, the Soviets were happy to point out that the "quantity" of aircraft has a quality all its own.

I can agree with this. All of the expense of restoring, say, an E9 3.0CS with out a far more elegant car at the end of the process.

There are no on-board jacks in F1. There are two jack men, one at either end of the car. The rear man needs to move in to position once the car has passed. The front man stands in the way of the car, and needs to move out of the way (with the jack) before the car takes off. There's a lot of coordination going on to

Trust me, as pointed out before, some of those drivers should certainly stick to video games.

Of course, the crash in Turn 1 was bookended by a second to last lap crash by the cars running 1-2 in Turn 13. That crash was every bit as Mario Kartish.

Update: Tickets from Ticketmaster arrived today while I was at work. Plain tickets, marked envelope...

Still awaiting tickets as well. We fly out Sunday. If they aren't in the mailbox today, there will be some issues... I, too, paid for FedEx via Ticketmaster and, maybe it is me, but feel that tracking on my $2,000 purchase of 4 3-day tickets is in order.

Yes. I'm pretty sure Audi will end up having to resort to fractions at some point. I hear the 2021 A.75 will be good, the RS.75 will be the monster!

No worries. Happens to me all the time as I move around my billions to take advantage of foreign currency fluctuations...

$4.4 Billion or ¥4.4 Billion? Pick one. $4.4 Billion Yen is mixing currencies is what he is saying if I understand your question correctly.