
We don't "name" them so much as have to specify which car is which. When you currently have three Miatas (and have had 4.5 of them over time between me and the wife), they become "The White One", the "Track Car" and (former NPOCP V-8 powered car) "Godzilla." OK, that one has a name, it's also the license plate.

I think your sarcasm filter is offline at the moment.

You didn't have to stop for fuel, just slow down a bit!

Yes, I do agree with you. I also get everything Alex Roy says about trying to keep the average up, but not pushing too hard. Pushing hard means taking all sorts of risks and sometimes the rewards aren't worth it.

Put an auxiliary tank in that A8 and stop once in OKC!

The key is what Roy said: AVERAGE speed. To average 93, you have to run triple digits whenever and where ever you can. And that is why the 63 gallons of fuel.

This last statement was part of it. When Pontiac (the excitement brand) gets the "TransSport" minivan because the dealerships had to have a minivan... At some point the General should have said "No, you do not get a people hauler. Pontiac doesn't do people haulers."

To do this car right, you pay the asking price, but budget for a $13,000 car. You replace things proactively. Bushings, struts, driveline components (guibos!). You flush all fluids. You replace bushings on body/engine/trans mounts. All filters. You steam clean the interior. You replace body gaskets around

A buddy of mine and I thought up a race series like this back in the 90s. Eating a burrito while racing was part of it, as was having to dig for change for a toll booth (at pit in). Violating rules involved penalties such as having to put a temporary spare tire on a drive wheel and/or having your mother-in-law in

Not any longer. Their daytime limit of "Reasonable and Prudent" got challenged so frequently in court as being too vague, so it went away. The fact that the Federal Government was willing to withhold highway funding didn't help, either.

Nope. Not even this...

We don't normally have massive piles of cash lying about... We had been stuck for a bit with two houses and two mortgages when the right house (well, the right house with a big garage) came along and our townhouse wouldn't sell. When we finally sold the townhouse, the proceeds were just sitting there...

However, most hybrids reclaim energy from braking (which would be lost as heat) and the electric part is more efficient than the internal combustion part. Net-net, they are more generally efficient despite being heavier... But, you are absolutely right, the closer we keep energy to its original source, the more

We've had this happen, too. Except once, the dealer wouldn't budge below 10% APR! We had the cash in the bank, but we figured if we could get the rate on the car purchase to 3% or so (going rate at the time) we could likely make more money by keeping the cash invested somewhere else, and keep the 3%-5% difference

Thank you for the answer, as I said, I took a shot in the... dark.

Because they filmed it in Houston, in the actual control room. This room had lamps fitted sometime after the Apollo 13 mission when people realized that they needed more light to read. They probably hid the "enhanced lighting budget" line item in the Space Shuttle budget in the early '80s.

Thank you for sharing this with us in this venue.

Two total knee replacements. Two total hip replacements. I've owned a total of 3 Miatas (and my wife has 1.5 of them). No autos for us. I'm willing to make some sacrifices, but not that.

"I'm having a crisis!"

The car appears to be lowered at least 3.5" all around. Not sure how low one must go to be considered "stanced." The extreme negative rear camber is, unfortunately, the by product of being lowered that far in VWs, and would actually be worse in an earlier, single-jointed swing axle car.