Jez ran a piece like a month ago when some woman wanted sweatpants but not sweatpants when her husband said he liked them, remember? And the answer was "Okay, but only KIND OF sweatpants, and only if they FLATTER". So fuck this shit.
Jez ran a piece like a month ago when some woman wanted sweatpants but not sweatpants when her husband said he liked them, remember? And the answer was "Okay, but only KIND OF sweatpants, and only if they FLATTER". So fuck this shit.
Hailie's gettin' so big now, you should see her- she's beautiful.
I thought bowling alley.
I'm gonna go ahead and give you that: "You're a total stranger and that's creepy".
Also, I LOLed at Kim paying $100K. Because K. Get it?? GET IT?!?
Oh man, if I were the Bush girls I would be totally EmBarASSSED!!!! Not even kidding.
Tony Bennett snapping.
It's made from breast milk. I win.
I do, and I don't need the money. Just a friend who likes ice cream.
It's 27 degrees out and I just made myself an ice cream sandwich (cookies 'n' cream on homemade warmed chocolate chip cookies; I'm basically Blake Lively). I am clearly their target audience and I embrace that.
I liked Heaven, but I loooooved the Grass soap and the Grass candles.
That is REALLY unfair.
If I found that I would think it was a Pokemon. GOTTA CATCH 'EM ALL!!!
Observe as we make this zany-ass ad to try to get you to forget that you've been buying the same brown turtleneck and jeans and sparkly flats for the past fifffteeeeen yeeeeeeearssssss. #bringbackfreshcutgrass
This makes me feel better about saying "Don't be so fucking Kinfolk" to my friend the other day.
You're the best.
True. Too bad she doesn't...
I shudder.
If there's a hell Kim's going to it. Or living in it.