

This was Pierre Elliot Trudeau’s jam when he was running for Prime Minister in 1968 and was the central philosophy during the creation of our Charter of Rights and Freedoms, so she’s in good company (or.. decent company, in any case):

If I found out I was wearing those shoes, I would feed my feet into a blender and teach myself to fly everywhere.

“I have been Juuling for years, ever since a friend of mine bought me a starter pack in an effort to help me quit smoking.”

Nah. I was pink a million years ago, starred a million years ago, and also not grey a million years ago — none of it matters.

Just for kicks, really. I figure there’s not much at stake if I do since I’m forever grey around here.

Even by your standards, this is incredibly sad. 


Woah there don't push your politics on me, Professor Brainiac!!

Haha just once I’d like one of these jokers to surprise me with facts..


What in the fucking huh?

Wait.. what is even happening on Planet Earth right now?

Damn.. I would love to get Press Secretary money without having to work a single day. Who’s dick do I have to suck to get that jo—

My gun loving friends mostly think those guys are a bit demented.”

According to the Wall Street Journal, event attendees were not told in advance where the event is or who’s actually hosting it, and have instead been instructed to simply “arrive at a parking place in Palo Alto, from which they will be transported to the event.”