There’s an ointment for those.
There’s an ointment for those.
Fried chicken dinner, surely..
I’m a media librarian at a major broadcaster; I know how they record audio in TV production, and it’s also frequently recorded as separate tracks to the same carrier as the video. Aaaannyway, I hardly expect her to release an exacting statement covering precisely what media-format she auditioned, because it doesn’t…
She’s actually talking about the audio *track* generated either by his body mic, or whatever mics happened to be live in the studio at the time. The carrier format for that would be a video tape, the interesting part of it just happens to be the audio track in this case.
Here is all the explanation anyone should need in terms of understanding what an unmitigated fucking disaster this decision would be:
the driver told authorities, happened around 11 p.m. Wednesday when the car’s gas pedal got stuck under the floor mat.
You must have demanded a lot of attention as a baby.
No. There’s no ambiguity there, but I really don’t care anymore if you get it or not.
Sarah Palin *is* a special-needs child.
Explain how.
Put them into an encrypted disk image first (or whatever similar encrypted container format your operating system of choice supports).
And yet, she did.
She did not make this claim.
She did, however, claim that she knows someone who has such a tape, and that she was personally invited by them to view it - which she claims she did.
When you use it like that, “however” is just a three-syllable stand-in for “but.”
I mean.. this guy did a stupid thing. Definitely. But as far as apologies go these days, that one’s about as good as it gets.
Not really — you’re bringing the pasta up to al dente in the pan, so it’s going to absorb quite a bit of that water in the process.
Ok, sure. Fine.