
You can always get the P* tune added and then upgrade the other parts if you still feel like you need to..

But hey, maybe there’s another sort of irony in the fact that today was also Julius and Ethel Rosenberg’s *ahem*
final day at Sing Sing? Twain, history rhyming, etc..

“Mango Mussolini and his sidekick Keebler Elf”

I mean.. her tweet isn’t even an actual denial..

Hey, Trump, you blithering smegnugget, we don’t want your shitty fucking dairy that’s full of hormones and puss and who the fuck knows what else, mmmmmmkay? Our system is working, and our dairy farmers are actually able to earn a good living, so go get fucked. Fuckin goof.

Exactly. Also, Canada wasn’t anywhere close to being an independent nation at the time - wouldn’t be for another half century. Hell, our armed forces were still entirely under British command until 1906 or so. All’s we’ve ever done is send endless flocks of ornery geese down there to poop on everything.

I mean.. it was actually the British.. but it’s still pretty goddamn funny.

Exactly. He wouldn’t have just made the cake, he would have made the fucking wine, too.

He really puts the WHAT A FUCKIN’ IDIOT in The United States of America.

She looks exactly like you’d expect an Holli-with-an-I to look:

“I could be wrong, but outside of sequels/spinoffs and spoofs, it might be the first, and possibly still the only, time an actor returned to the same role in a completely unrelated film”

Now playing

You don’t know enough true facts about YouTube

What possible reason could there be for you to remain in contact with someone so remotely connected to you? Hell.. she’s not even connected to your BFF at this point. Does she even know who you are? Sever ties, FFS!

No chance of that; if there’s one thing we can be certain of, it’s that there will minimal marketing for this.

Well, I know if *I* were Obama (and I assure you that I’m not, but hear me out anyway), I would be taking the nation’s election of Donald Trump as my replacement VERY personally. So him/me responding with, “oh yeah, The United States of America? Well fuck you, too!” makes a great deal of sense.

Do they even have a broadcast signal? I don’t think so; I think you have to pay for Fox news as part of a cable package. So because they’re not using public airwaves, they can put their garbage on their private channel for people to buy with money they willingly hand over.

There is no way I would ever give that much money to a twelve year-old.

As a child of the ‘70s/‘80s, it is fucking mind-boggling to me that it is now somehow (in certain circles, at any rate) TOTALLY OK, NO BIG DEAL for THE PRESIDENT OF THE GODDAMN UNITED FUCKING STATES OF SONOFABITCH AMERI FUCKING CA to have been in cahoots with THE FUCKING RUSSKIES!!

It’s hard to say how any of this was or wasn’t impacted by his choice to wear what appear to be open-toed shoes.