lol Skechers
lol Skechers
Said this before, saying it again. The fact that Demi is using Kesha’s sexual assault to shade Taylor Swift and continue a feud in her own self-interest is rediculous and not in the best interest of the victim, as it should be.
Geez, Demi.
It’s a weird, weird world we live in. I’m sure it’s a well-meant gift and one much needed for legal bills. However, it is so odd to me that we are at the point where press releases about goodwill gestures and gifts have to be issued or else the public and peers will accuse you of being a false friend or bad feminist…
that makes sense logically. thank you for explaining. i just can’t stop my slutty wayz.
To be fair to you, I’m sure lots of people thought john Wayne Gacy was a real looker for a clown.
And I shall be that man! It will be like a cross between The Body Guard and one of the shittier episodes of the Lawrence Welk show. I haven’t the faintest fucking clue how kick starter works except to know that Zach Braff is pathetic at it. So, after crucial and correlative thought, I will take your donations in the…
I’m planning to spend tonight watching TV and drinking alcoholic root beer* floats while cuddling with my puppies (who are terrified of fireworks, poor little guys). Who knew that having no life could literally save my life?
Speaking of Hilary Duff, in KY a woman bit her boyfriend in the face during an argument over whether or not Hilary Duff was in a television commercial.
*Deleting all my Glee songs featuring Puck*
Dianna is doing a lot of indie movies and seems to be fine! And I will sacrifice a cheerleader’s ponytail every month to keep it so.
I got drunk and destroyed my last weekend. I feel you Jimmy.
Of course you can be sexy without being considered conventionally attractive. Attractiveness is highly subjective. Like my sister finds her husband super sexy but he isn’t conventionally attractive by any stretch of the imagination. (Sorry sibling) .
I confess I would be really uncomfortable being with a guy who didn’t find me physically attractive. I’d always worry that he would cheat with someone who he did find physically attractive. I want to feel sexy in a relationship. I want to feel wanted and lusted after by the dude I’m with. I want him to look at me like…
star star star
Dating is an absolute mindfuck.