Before tonight, I had no feelings about Demi Lovato one way or another, but that retort to Kathy Griffin? Well-played.
Before tonight, I had no feelings about Demi Lovato one way or another, but that retort to Kathy Griffin? Well-played.
Someone is making tshirts with the entire speech on them and I kind of almost want one.
How is she only 29, though? I feel like she has done at least 60 years time on this earth by now.
The way I see it, she gave them a fantastic present, and one that’s not on anyone’s registry. I mean, those two are going to have the BEST CRAZY WEDDING STORY.
sounds like a good time
Fuck Miley Cyrus.
into the white house like a wreckingball
Plot twist: he borrowed it from Miley
I drug myself 5-6 nights a week. However, instead of being afraid I might have been taken advantage of, I just make sure I didn’t get on the internet or leave the stove on.
Those new boards look like Segways without the handles. They are so cornballish. Call me when we get the real hoverboards that I was promised by Jetsons and Back to the Future.
What!!! How dare someone attack my dear sweet Misha!!! They will pay in bloooooooood!!!!
I was at an intersection yesterday, and some guy, about sixteen by the look of him, crossed the road on one of these, very slowly and very poorly. At one point he sort of tipped over onto the hood of my car and then continued slowly crossing, using my car for support.
Princess Eldritch of the Targetlands. Go for it!
Dooooo iiiiiiit !
I have a tiara made of chainmail I got as a gift and used when I went as Arwen for Halloween one year. The desire to just wear it outside when I go to Target is so damn strong. We should all wear tiaras! They’re awesome!
You know, there really is a point where all of this constant negativity and bashing of Iggy Azalea crosses the line from being on point and justified to just being mean and unnecessary.