Billy Jo Jive, Super Private Eye

The ones who want to attract quality caddies.  Next time this guy needs a substitute caddy, his pickings will be a lot slimmer.

Well, this caddy helped him win $1.3 million, so maybe he was good at his job and should be paid accordingly.

Sunday night is unquestionably the worst night to watch your team lose. With a Thursday night game, you have a couple of days to shake off the loss before the Sunday slate starts, during which time you have a whole weekend to drink the pain away. On Sunday, you can root against all the teams who are ahead of you in

When I am King of the World, I will impose a rule that, whenever a team that’s in the bonus commit a foul, the other team can either take the foul shots or run 24 seconds off the clock. This wouldn’t stop all intentional fouling, but it would at least stop the intentional fouling at the end of the game, which is the

First, NPR’s Code Switch podcast had an episode about this, which it called the “explanatory comma.” It was really good.

What a crazy coincidence — Serena Williams has also been over-tested for drugs. Say -- and here me out now -- I wonder if there’s anything these two have in common.

That was an incredible catch.

Dang. Beat me by two minutes.

It hurt me to star a statement containing such stupidity, but I believe your intrepid reporting from Moronostan should be rewarded.

Yeah, he didn’t do anything except save the economy, pass the ACA, catch bin Laden . . . .

I starred this comment, then I unstarred it so I could star it again.

Don’t sleep on Costco pizza.  $1.50 for a giant slice of combo pizza.  Mmmm . . . HDLs . . . .

You are correct. All this would require a constitutional amendment, not just a bill, which means that we have to get 38 states to ratify all these wonderful ideas. Republicans completely control 26 states governments, plus another six state legislatures and an additional six Republican governors. So the good news is

Worse than that — they ran the closing credits during the last minute of the show, including Adam Scott. I saw his name and was like, “Huh, he wasn’t in this episode.”  Then the new fifth member came in, which was totally shot to be a reveal, but I’d already put two and two together.

See, at first I was thinking I’d give up chicken and whatnot in a heartbeat. Then I realized that, when I got to be an old fart, I’d need to watch my cholesterol and weight and all that other shit, so I should probably give up steak and bacon and eat chicken and fish the rest of my days. I would compensate with

“More like Doctor When.”  I lol’ed.

Despite the story’s hysterical tone, this is not all that unusual. In fact, the Vikings kicker did the same thing earlier today.

I legit did not realize until I read this article that they replaced Faith Hill with Carrie Underwood.

People are murdering each other on a daily basis in this country but you choose to spend your energy getting worked up over how sometimes a police officer either sucks at his job or is in a really bad spot.

*adjusts spectacles*