
That should be against the Geneva Convention.

Dear god I can't believe I'm going to defend the NFL, but Bill Wirtz was infinitely worse, because he wouldn't air home games at all...sellout or no, except for (towards the end of his reign of terror) a couple of games against the Red Wings/Blues which would sell out anyway.

Now I hate Bill Wirtz even more, it's his

The food guy is full of horseshit, because I too grew up in a small Ohio town and I'd had all those foods but one many times by the time I was 14 (we were pretty broke, didn't get lobster 'til adulthood). Come on, strawberries?

Ok, we're done here. It was a penalty that didn't get called, it was obviously an illegal hit, and you're changing your story, which was crap anyway. Obviously, you just like seeing guys get hurt.

Part of their antitrust agreement (warning: possible urban legend, I've never looked it up, but I heard this many times over the years) was that they never, ever, ever, play games on Friday nights. Allegedly (seriously, I should probably stop typing and go to snopes, but whatevs) that provision came from the Texas

For some reason, this recap/review/rehash reminds me of the infamous synopsis of Wizard of Oz:

I call BS on your "it all happens so fast out there." If he can't identify the guy standing 15 yards behind the line of scrimmage on a punt play as the punter, then he has no business watching a football game, much less playing in one.

I didn't say the NFL was out to save anyone.

That play also featured a block in the back and a separate helmet-to-helmet. Apparently the refs were only watching to make sure Tomlin wasn't out on the field making a block. Same ol' Steelers.

In the vernacular of Big Daddy himself, that's good hustle, mister. +1

9 1/2 Weeks

Can we shuffle?

Haven't even finished the story yet, but "Cameroon, Honduras, and Rand McNally" made me spit coffee. Used to work at the latter, and, at least when I was there, you couldn't find 11 people who knew what soccer was. One running joke was what they called one guy who'd been in the same department for 20 years..."the new

Dude...give in on the iPod Touch. Did this last year, and not only did it release us from getting him pretty much anything else (see, Santa has a budget, and if you get one expensive thing...) but now a $.99 app feels like the Presidential Medal of Freedom when he does something good. Plus, HOURS of headphones-on

I'm not really qualified to judge, since I'm not here every day, but this smacks of COTY-worthy.

(Clicks "Play" on Video)

Nobody really likes turkey

Show me a game with 0% luck and then you can claim that poker is 100% about luck.


Actually, wait, I take that back. Because I'm not sure if it's funnier that he's wearing a ceremonial gift jersey or if he had bought himself a jersey and personalized it with "Mayor Ford" on the back.