
Leave the mask on, take everything else off. This is the best compromise.

Sony actually does have a high-end line, though you don't see it much in the US. I was looking at this the other day: []


I have a soft spot for yellow woven-kevlar woofers in shiny black boxes. Never trusted Sony speakers, though.

And history shall record "Thus began the Great Pudding Revolt of Twenty-Eleven, which foreshadowed The Bavarian Cream War of Twenty-Thirteen to Twenty-Twenty one. Those were indeed stupider times."

Hmm, looks like you got nerd-raged pretty hard yourself. Learn this lesson well, if there is anything the internet hates more than Monster Cable, it is someone making an uninformed comment, especially if said comment is about Monster Cable. We flip our shit over the most ridiculous things.

How can I find this tasty sounding beverage?

I raise you one cat self-portrait.

WTF. Oh well, it was for your entertainment anyway.

At the height of my soda addiction, I consumed about a six-pack a day, sometimes more. Actually, during periods where I worked in a restaurant or a movie theater, where the black-tastiness was free flowing, it was probably much higher, though consumption is impossible estimate.

Is the image showing up for you? It worked when I posted it, but now is broken on my end.

Slight recontextualization.

I like this comment.

In the end, what will this change? As far as I know, those who sell games have been pretty good about policing themselves in much the same way that theaters have been about keeping minors out of R-rated movies. Parents will still remain uneducated about the rating system or permissive in letting their children play

I'm jelly! I've been wanting to build a set of the 5.2's for a while, though I'm guessing that they may be a bit too analytical for my tastes. Still, I want to know what that sounds like.

I'm guessing that the built-in amp actively handles the x-over between the sub and midrange. Given that the subs are located on the speakers, as along as the midrange can reach 150 hz or so, this configuration theoretically is fine.

I'm chalking that up to marketing (pretty much all speaker manufacturers exaggerate this like all HDTV's exaggerate contrast-ratio). While it's not impossible for a 5" to get that low when you factor in room-gain, where the room emphasizes lower bass frequencies, it's rare and the laws of physics still apply. I'm

The main driver is a coaxial design, meaning the tweeter is mounted on a pole in the center of the driver. Not super common in home audio, but is the norm in car audio (you pay pretty penny for separates for your car). You can see it in the top-middle photo in the gallery.

Fair points, but if you listen to the political rhetoric of some of the border states and conservative media, there is definitely an element of jingoism there.

We don't know you, and you've given us no reason to trust you, but since there is nothing really anyone can do to stop you, I just want to say: Use your power wisely.