
My FB name is an alias, I don't use my primary email, and all my info is set to "friends only." It's as safe as I can make it and still be me. And if they find a way around that, well, they'll have to sift through a ton of cat photos and random-ass status updates. Maybe that'll give us something to talk about during

You can check the website for Redboxes in your area and check each's catalog and reserve titles, which is awesome— not only for the convenience factor, but also because I can see they have no games that interest me at the moment (no Noire!), saving me from driving around town in a futile search.


Oh Dave, how I've missed you. You said a lot of things that needed to be said, and besides that, you're fucking funny. Pls come back.

I already searched (and deleted) the txt file, but thanks for the service!

Reedonkulous, yes, but I imagine this is designed to be prosecuted at will, as in a case where the performance works to the detriment of the original material. Protecting copyright is about protecting profits, and prosecuting teenage hardcore-fan-girls that are essentially serving as modes of free advertising is bad

I'm trying real hard to conceptualize how he envisioned this working out. I can't. You would think a man with an illegally obtained shotgun would also have a knife, maybe even an assortment of them. Why did he choose the shottie? Why??

Poking the bear, yes, but how many people frequently visit the CIA's site? It's not like any sensitive info was compromised.

Now playing

Had mixed feelings about Ctrl+Alt+Bernanke (whatever happened with that anyway?), but at least with this I know where I stand.

Hey, it's my local news station! I know you're not impressed by this fact, but I am sufficiently enough to point this out.

We had a funny name for 'em back in the day... "screaming something-or-other" I think. Wert was the only term I could find when looking it up on youtube.

Really, there's a plastic bag cartel? What the world. Please, nobody tell them that I reuse their bags to transport cat turds and clumped urine to the garbage can, or that sometimes, when I'm drunk, I melt a knotted bag on the end of a stick and make werts ( [] — listen closely).

We also live in an environment where employees have less and less of a voice against corporate interest when the two diverge, and this is especially true in right-to-work states. Knowing that one can be fired at any time, for any reason, creates a terrible sense of insecurity.

Sure, unions have their problems, but they also serve as a counter-balance to corporate abuse. I agree, though, that in this case I'm not sure how warranted it is, at least if wages are the primary argument. Kind of sounds like he was looking for something to do.


The rope dart: one kung fu's coolest and hardest to learn weapons, yet also probably its least practical.

I don't feel like mocking it up, but it just occurred to me that the Wii U's configuration would be quite awesome for L.A. Noire; allowing the player to scan the scene for clues with the controller (with it acting as a magnifier) and flipthrough notes on it without having to enter the pause menu. Seems like it would

Oh yeah, well, being flippant is in my TOS. At least I think it is. Never bothered to read past the first few lines.

Update: Apple sues Wi-Fi sync dev. over accusations of being ripped off- a sentiment for which they hold the exclusive copywrite to air publicly. Up yours, Little Guy.

Now playing

I'm sold, much like I was sold on the old High Life Man commercials (the one above isn't one of 'em, but it's relevant to this site, I guess). Shitty beer, but I enjoy the fantasy of living the "high Life," sitting in cheap plastic chairs with friends, in front of a trailer, probably talking about professional