
Pure Bacon Warhorse

Let us not forget Caturday, O'Caturday. Some of you hated it, some of me loved that shit.

They were doing it anyway, now it's on the up-n-up.

At the moment I share a busy office with two other people. I find their chatter and ever-present country music playing in the background a major distraction when it comes time to do creative work (design and copywriting). If I'm doing some design work, I keep one cup of headphones over an ear so I can still respond to

Now just visualize rate vs. data in your text plan.

As someone who is a lightweight and gets sick long before I get full-on drunk, the most important thing that I have learned is to know my limits and to not let anyone goad me into going past them. It took me until my late twenties to learn to say "no" when a friend says "DRINK, PUSSY!", but since then I've only had

You got it, buddy.

When iTunes came to Windows, I stopped using Winamp. By that time I had several gigs of music, and I found iTunes' spreadsheet interface far superior to Winamp's in helping me manage everything, especially as its functionality evolved. Then, it became a bloated piece of shit that is always hogging resources and trying

I like to patiently jot down my weekly to-do list on a pad next to my keyboard. This is the only handwriting I do anymore, but I derive some strange, meditative pleasure from it. I think it has something to do with the physicality of slowly scratching the ink into paper.

Historical baggage is only one piece of Helvetica's context. It's most often used currently to convey a sense of ultra-contemporary, at least that's how the general public views it, I think, and that is whom most designers are communicating to, not other designers that know Helvetica's history.

Took a trip over to Gawker to see the new system, and I'm reminded of those physics related mind-games where one tries to envision part of a four dimensional object as seen from three dimensional space. Does that make any sense? Neither does the new commenting system.

"only animals should wear fur." should be:

Tempting. I just hope that for the money spent, we get a controller whose quality control is consistent and is perfect out of the box. I have never owned a MS made 360 controller without some kind of flaw, like a sticky button here, an overly sensitive thumbstick on the down-push there, or a trigger that doesn't

Pretty cool, but what I would like is the ability to use my Android tablet as a fancy-pants remote.

I have just a few noobish questions for yah Oolie:

Because here is what happens, and this may just be my brain wiring, but I hit the WIN key, Metro pops up, and I go "what the fuck was I looking for?" The switch is jarring, one because of the design inconsistency between Metro and the desktop, and two I'm leaving one context for another that is a completely different

Really, the only advantage for those of us still using desktops is under the hood improvements, it seems. Gesture-based programs and hardware have been an option for a while, and I don't use them, nor do most people, I suspect.

"ESPN and the NFL network [costs] are ridiculous."