Bill S. Preston Esq.

Hernandez: Is this a yellow cab?

Usually the Spanish announcers' table breaks easily.

From the first video: "He is wounded, somehow."

Stephen A. Smith is going to blow a gasket when learns Chip is bringing in Oklahoma players now.

Well, at least Seattle fans will get to see a few dunks now.

Usually if somebody scores and finishes with Semin on his stomach, it's an unassisted goal.

Kalaf: Oooh, roasted!

You could argue that his career needed one.

No doubt that late on a Friday afternoon, when no one is paying attention, the NFL would air its dirty Landry.

Yeah, Shaq is beating the fuck out of that basketball.

This is in contrast to joining the Angels, where you get three texts asking if you know where Josh Hamilton is.

Thanks, John Kerry.

Favre: Where'd you shave?

As someone who wrote sports for a little more than 10 years, I gotta say she's right on the money*.

So Castro and his other revolutionaries choose a boat named the Granma to sail to Cuba to start their revolution. After the revolution succeeds, they decide to rename one of the provinces of this new nation after their boat, and we get the Granma province. Now, the baseball team of this province decides on calling

Johnson: Would you like to see Sunderland?

Julian Edelman is basically the white Wes Welker

"Like, generations of Azaleas' souls will be burning from this one."

"Hey kids, who wants to see James Harden?"