
pretty sure that is a Lambo dude.

He also approved of The Dark Tower. Literally the only worthwhile moment comes in the very last scene of the movie. There rest is best watched as an effects junkie and Easter egg spotter. There’s a nice nod to 1408 that I don’t think anyone at the showing but me caught, but by then we were all on our second beers and

I stopped watching after the second episode. The writing, the acting, my sweet lord! Stretched Sissy Spacek and her comatose daughter, the dumb cops and clean-cut junkies...what a shit show. But I kept reading the reviews. I was hoping for The Following levels of hate to break out in the recaps and comments, but even

this show was so bad, it made me get a Kinja account just to complain about it

Yeah, but try to take one little trip out to Coney Island and it turns into the fuckin' Odyssey.

Steve, could you move the Camira, I need to get the Torana out so I can get to the commodore.

You could do a whole story on Australian muscle cars. They had some pretty unique stuff.


Just watched "Boy" on Netflix. Awesome Maori comedy aside, it features an impossibly cool plymouth that sent up all kinds of "oh man, I must have that car. but wait a tic- I've never seen this before!" It's a '73 Valiant Ranger, available with a 318 V8 if you wanted it, and despite looking classically American, was