Not journalism at its finest. Sentence structure at its finest.
Not journalism at its finest. Sentence structure at its finest.
*read article again*
Here's what I'd say:
OR! (roll with me on this)
"...guys, you have advantages that lead you to act a certain way that is off-putting to women..."
Nice. That looks QUITE marketable.
I just have to say, the picture for this article is nearly TOO clever.
"It's SP gaming all the way now."
Here's a list of games I played and finished this year:
"...puts a giant period at the end of all this..."
I am disgusted by your succinct, well constructed points.
"I have entirely given up on buying games day 1."
"...console and handheld releases will never, ever excite me."
How about...
Dear Mr. Totilo:
Petey 2Portals it is, then.
Actually, what it MIGHT be the he meant was nothing in the calendar repeats the way it does in our calendar. There's no 12 months that repeat, say. Every 'date' in the mayan cycle is unique. The cycles go on for five thousand years and then a new cycle starts.
*reads article, visits every company's website and painstakingly researches their position, then reads bill and very carefully parses it with a selective and deliberate logic(even breaks out a magnifying glass)*