
Good to know.

I noticed. I noticed you sitting and waiting and saying nothing about this. I do see. I do. I think what you're doing with the sitting and the waiting and the saying nothing is innovative and cool. So innovative and cool, in fact...

Actually, it was kind of by accident that I posted that to you. It was meant to go on its own, but right now I'm glad I made the mistake.

Mr. Totilo, I really hope you respond to this.

Oh! Okay then. I'm with you . That makes total, logical sensed to me.


1.) I...don't think I understand what you're asking me. And I'm not being a dick here-really, I'm not-but I don't understand.

Nothing. I mean...nothing.

Well, yeah, but...where's the fun in that?

Yeah, I feel you. It's all about taste, and I can see you not diggin' a lot of those games (and I'm 100 per cent behind you on Uncharted). Haven't played Gears yet, but I imagine that it's like the second one. You know...more Gears.

"There were some greats, but there were a lot of disappointments, too."

Thank you for not sending that to the cornfield just because the guy's delivery sucked b*lls.

*reads article*


I think about thinking even when I'm not thinking about it.

"And yet these "studies" still fail to know what an addiction is"

It's not video games per se, I don't think. The mind is a powerful thing that can make an addiction out of ANYTHING we do.

"...and @UesugiGuy is doing this for shits and giggles."

1)They're overwhelmingly hot asian females. That was my point there.

I'm not sure what the point is here. By that I mean, I'm not sure what the author wants. A big banner saying; "welcome transgenders"? Articles on...well, whatever articles that gaming and transgenders produce?