
Why is Deadspin protecting her identity?

I’d let it go at this point, there’s really no need to badger him.

I’m no fan of Tom Brady, but I don’t have an opinion to put here after that statement.

I had to double check I wasn’t reading a Gwenith Paltrow article at that part.

It kind of reminds me about that article on Jezebel about how people who are insecure in their relationships are most likely to brag on Facebook. Her narrative of what happened, combined with the fact that he felt he needed to record the conversation, makes me wonder if there is a cheating history there.

Now at this point in Kyle’s story, the part of me who is the teenager who came of age in Brooklyn started bubbling up– and my hands started itching to take my earrings out and hold them while I got CRAZY.

11:19 CPT (Colored Person Time)

RIP ODB!!! I thought I saw that last night. KRS1 and CB4. What else am I missing?

That was amazing. Curry bailed his teammates out big time. I counted four times in the 4th & OT when Curry made a perfect pass to a cutter, only for the cutter to blow the open layup.

It’s a weird and totally unexplainable phenomena. Remember “Compassionate Conservative” Dubya Bush? How many people bought into that idea?

Or Gob Bluth.

I only recently found out that Jeb’s actual name is “John Ellis Bush”. As some that cannot stand ATM Machine, PIN Number or SSN #, fuck this moron.

Michigan’s asshole governor Rick Snyder fits into this category as well.

I am a supervisor in a Federal agency, and they have training manuals and directives and regulations for EVERY POSSIBLE THING A HUMAN BEING COULD EVER POSSIBLY DO. Almost everything in the training modules is, in my opinion, completely intuitive, and does nothing to stop sexual harassment, racial discrimination,

I’m sure he was serious. I had no idea what they were either. Some of us went to college at small schools and/or in the 90s.

If I saw a name on the sign-in for a student who wasn’t enrolled the class, that would be a huge red flag to me, so I don’t even know why a student would do that.

Many possibilities: Manning skips the class and has a friend sign him in (some professors pass around sign-in sheets, which is of course ridiculous), or he signed somebody else’s name, or he just skipped class altogether and tried to alter the professor’s grade-book.

Or, more accurately, when a new incident of her being attacked by him happened. Too bad this was tl;dr or you might have caught that.

“Look, this is a guy who tried to fuck his mom and kill his dad. I still have work to do.” -Hernandez.

How can you not see it? The dress is white and gold...