
While I don’t remember all of the stories, I do distinctively remember intentionally turning the pages in certain ways so I wouldn’t have to see some of the terrifying drawings. The book would not have been the same without those images. 

Your prison rape fantasies aren't helping.

Why in God’s name was this wretched execrence given any kind of bond at all?? HE SHOT MULTIPLE WOMEN AND DID SO WHILE OUT ON BOND FOR SHOOTING SOMEONE.

It’s a disco where to hear the music you have to put on headsets. Everyone with headsets is hearing the same music, so you can still dance with other people. The advantage is that you won’t generate neighbourhood noise complaints and if you want to stop dancing to sit and chat, you don’t have to yell to have a conversa

Likewise. They make me rage so hard, being that wealthy and useless and fucking obnoxious while decent, hard-working, honest people are living in poverty. Sometimes I wish I could leave the planet.

I don’t remember the last time I went from having a pretty favorable opinion of a star to wishing they would honestly go away and take the remnants of their career with them.

Weird ass hill to die on, girl. 

In all the years I have known about the existence of this Madonna person, I have never heard her compliment another musical artist without the caveat “she/he reminds me of me.” The highest compliment she can bestow. Any and all tributes to others are always in essence about her. I don’t hate her, I can’t work up

I’m 26 and I don’t know who they are.

Amber Rose’s outfit is the most tryhard thing I’ve seen in a minute.

You’ve got the right idea, but men are heavily socialized and conditioned to believe that their individual success and accolades are their own. They’re not sharing credit out of selfishness; they really do believe they’re the only ones who accomplished X even when it’s glaringly obvious that that isn’t true. 

And they would’ve been saying their vows in their characters’ names.

“We are testing whether surfacing recommendations between episodes helps members discover stories they will enjoy faster.”

I hate the Eagles and I slightly-less-hate that people think I’m quoting a movie I haven’t seen when I say that. It’s a legit opinion unto itself.

My dad is strictly in the “I hate the fucking Eagles” camp. He would never do this.

Actually, it’s not fine the way it is, they need to stop that damn auto-play shit that happens if you hover over an episode or title for more than two seconds. Who the fuck thought that was a good idea?

Netflix has been rapidly becoming shit lately, and if this happens, it’ll be time to kick them to the curb. They’re already lucky we didn’t after they got rid of X-Files and the good seasons of Futurama.

Amazon already does this, and it’s super annoying. If I didn’t check out the show when you had it plastered all over the top of your app, I’m not going to when you interrupt the shows I’m actually trying to watch.

I swear to Dog, I will start flipping tables and setting things ON FIRE if this becomes an all-the-time thing. I’m already irritated by the preview thingies starting if I linger too long while browsing. Ugh. Netflix. Stop. You’re fine the way you are, man.