
That’s right, no black people can fight. Excellent comment, throughly reasoned.

I think that Adequate Man is running for the dumbest and most stereotypical blog in the world... I can’ t stand seeing this shit cross posted on Jalopnik and Deadspin...

I love this expression and honestly thought no one under 60 or a lover of old movies, would understand it.

Now playing

There are thousands to millions of people in the US who will buy an iPad Pro and shitty pencil thing thinking it’ll put them ahead in the creative field they have no training or desire to work hard for.

You don’t know shit about graphics, obvs.

Well okay. Jeez. I wasn’t passing judgment on the quality of play. I haven’t played it. I just don’t understand how it’s not called, you know... Frogger.

Kyle, can you just do all the Apple coverage for all Gawker sites from now on? This is the only article I’ve seen today that isn’t trying to fellate Apple for showing the world a hundred dollar pencil.

Actually, Martin Luther King says something like that about white moderates in the Letter from a Birmingham Jail: “Over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is

Based on the comments, many non-Black people are relieved to finally have a reason to be “turned off” by the BlackLivesMatter movement. So business as usual.

You think me stating what I will and will not put up with is condescending?

Bitch, me demanding to be treated properly is a demand to bend over and take it up the ass then your definitions on a myriad of things need help.

Maybe you never were to begin with.

Um...last I checked it’s been seen as pretty serious the world over for at least a year.

As they say, with friends like these who needs enemies?

As always, Greg, so thorough and well-written. I have been watching this whole thing go down on Twitter over the past week and look...


If you can’t respectfully state your differences you are a fucking bad ally.

I don’t consider people who condescend to me friends. Nor do I take seriously the “ally-ship” of people who are quick to pull said alliance the second they decide that they don’t agree with certain tactics. I certainly don’t think an alliance with someone who acts in paternally to be one worth keeping. I’m looking for

A smear campaign designed to make a biracial white/black man look white is pretty racist, and dumb to believe.

I’m not even going to call Hamilton Nolan a piece of shit for that condescending racism-lite article he wrote (and his tone deaf comments doubling down on it) because it encapsulated white liberal progressive feelings toward’s blacks so perfectly. I’m just beyond glad Gawker Media employs actual thinkers like Greg