
OK, let’s say there was a closeted gay CFO that was married to a woman that supposedly wanted to hire an escort. Would it be cool if Gawker jumped on the story and support outing them & their private doings?

What you see as a double standard isn’t actually a doubt standard. You’re digging for a reason to critique Gawker Media because you’re bitter that Gawker Media doesn’t share your political views.

Did i miss protests or petitions for target to make this change? or did they do it on their own? Because honestly it seems the people making this a big deal are people like you that see this as a negative.

What’s next? Not teaching kids that they are limited by their gender and can like any toys they want? Giving a wider segment of the population toys that train them to be in useful fields without stigma, such as science and engineering? Children having fun and not being picked on because they’re a girl who likes hot

I bet YOU do.

Porn does a lot of damage. I am a vampire girl and I will suck just about any body part you put near my mouth. I have little gag reflex. Unfortunately guys see all this porn and think they should be face fucking you, but in my experience most of their sensation is in the head. The deep throating isn’t particularly

My dipshit of an ex boyfriend was on the bigger side, and one night, after a sushi date on which I drank an entire large bottle of sake by myself after spending most of the day drinking because he was an asshole and we had been fighting, he wasn’t letting me control speed/depth and I puked on him. He was disgusted and

I certainly will try harder - thanks so much for the encouragement and the correction! Definitely your explanation that a title that, in your own words, doesn't make sense trumps whatever my one was.

Trainwreck is called Dating Queen in Germany? Ick.

Vanity Fair is my favorite magazine for just this reason. They allow for tone and style and panache.

Dismiss trolls, everybody.

Love this! Thank you for writing!

It didn’t need to get across the country at all. It would not have cared if it had lain in the same spot forever. Its creators needed to prove some bizarre point about how if you just give something to stranger after stranger after stranger, they’ll all cherish it far more than you apparently did because you gave it

*Sees disabled homeless veteran on side of the road begging for spare change*

“Fuck you, I work hard for my money”

*Sees pile of Canadian garbage with Smiley Face drawn on it*

No, it was stupid because it was stupid.

The robot is pointless and we get to blame Philly for being the classless savages that they are. I call this a win-win

This is the same kind of mentality behind Millennial ego semen that’s been infecting our culture for a decade now. Getting the shit beat out of your vanity is called becoming an adult.

I didn’t expect to get my favorite article of the week so early, but there we are.

THIS. The only way this story could’ve been more insufferable is if somebody made a “500 Days of HitchBOT” series out of it.