

“If it’s some sort of consolation,” Why would this offer any consolation?

Nah, chicken salad story is BS. Everyone knows that wheat and American cheese always denotes a chicken salad sandwich. It's common knowledge in Barrow, AK, a place I once visited.

You know what is also not unheard of? Blacks being unjustifiably murdered by cops while in custody!

Dave said to me, “I’m a lot more popular then you [NOTE: true], and I have a lot more friends than you [also true], and I’ll kick your fucking ass [NOTE: result conspicuously absent].”

Stop, please...I can only get so erect.

The shooter was 21 years old. As much fun as it is to say all the racist/sexist/homophobic etc etc problems in our society can be solved by simply waiting for all our Olds to die off, these mentalities are very much alive and well in people our age and younger, as this man demonstrates.

This problem can’t be solved by

Yeah, let’s make the poor take IQ tests before administering forced steriliza—heeeey, wait a minute...

*pulls off their masks, revealing eugenicists Francis Dalton and Karl Pearson, who shrug innocently at the camera*

I assure you that fathering 34 children is abnormal even in black communities, if you can believe it.

Pretty sure he gives a shit about himself but not others.

Wear whatever you want imo.

Me too! I have no shame / personal space, so these really weren't all that horrifying (except for the dude showing up in her apartment).

Sounds like you have a fat personality to me. /s

That seems like the kind of attitude that allows them to keep getting away with it.

Yes, that’s really what we need to be focusing on here; what some Jezebel commenters said one time.

Yeah. I know you’re not supposed to say it—naive!—but not everyone masturbates.

Hahaha Since the dog isn’t visible in the header on the main page, I thought to myself, TMI Mr. Gonzalez, TMI.

Yeah, I'd totally fuck him. And he's a burglar! Ticks the bad boy box for me.

This sounds like you trying to rationalize your own weight issues.

"The cost for most people of a body fat percentage so low is that makes their face look haggard, and catapults them a decade or more older"