
I wonder if operators are easier to get? I bought like one or two new operators before I pretty much stopped playing the game, their price was insane. No idea how people got all of them unlocked in days.

I think it’s because of the image quality. Best 3D I’ve ever seen was at a laser IMAX, then comes the normal IMAX, then a good TV, then a “normal” cinema projector. Those are just too low quality for proper 3D, always made my head hurt.

I don’t really get the hate for 3D. A lot of movies I have look amazing in it - Mad Max and Guardians of the Galaxy being decent examples. It just adds to the depth and looks more fun, why not watch it that way?

They do seem to be stupid successful. I get emails from them regularly with updates and such, and very, VERY often their campaigns lead to changes in policies and such. I am in Russia, though, so maybe it’s different in other countries?

Screw G2A, but buying from 3rd party websites like that is often the only way to go. I live in Russia, and a few years ago all the major publishers on Steam and Origin started practicing a really fun way to sell their games - with Russian language only, which is supposed to prevent pirating.

I honestly don’t care if it lasts more than a couple years at that point. Even a year is enough for me to play a game for 300+ hours, and I can easily justify 60 dollars with that.

It absolutely is if you have the money, but considering the improvement time, and the price of large SSDs, I settled on a 2TB drive for my PS4 back when I got it at launch. Only started deleting games a couple months ago, too, which is neat.

Games can only hope to last so long these days, unless they are an established series. And since the new one doesn’t even have a name yet, much less a trailer, it’ll be 2 years easy.

It seems that the difference is not nearly as dramatic on the consoles though due to other hardware limitations.

Ah, the perks of playing on PC with a SSD - load times are stupid fast :)

Well that’s obviously your choice. But I love those new games, so I will keep playing them. BF4 for example still has a huge community, despite there being newer releases.

Different expectations. CoD is releasing a game a year, for example. It was unrealistic to expect even 3 years of content updates from a series like SW BF.

Battlefield is the same, but they are kinda switching up series. 4, Hardline, SWBF, 1. Basically one per year.

Battlefield also has a much larger dedicated playerbase. And since new game will be out late 2017 (or probably early 2018), it’ll be two years.

Lol, compare it to Dota then, or Starcraft. Those are established franchises. CoD is too, for example, but its games last one year sharp due to release cycle.

I don’t think extra 6 months or year or more would help in this case, the game was still thin on content. And for annual release cycles, one year is actually average.

I mean, the game won’t be abandoned at the very least until release of a new one, which wasn’t even announced yet. But for faster release cycles, as with CoD, 12 months is average.

I mean, the game was rather barebones on release gameplay-wise, and I’m not sure if that could’ve been fixed later on.

I feel like the previous game succeeded much more in that aspect. The ads were pretty much the same, but the gameplay related to them more.

That track (and the whole album) is just so, so good.