That’s how it is for me at least. Even though many enemies can’t be killed (like Nemesis in RE3), it just makes it annoying, but not scary. Being able to shoot/hit helps!
That’s how it is for me at least. Even though many enemies can’t be killed (like Nemesis in RE3), it just makes it annoying, but not scary. Being able to shoot/hit helps!
Read that already, but had a problem with it - the person who tested it couldn’t handle VR properly, and thus the entire article isn’t exactly reliable. I don’t think someone who gets motion sickness in a VR game should review it.
Well it’s not the whole game, since you can play the full thing without VR (like most people will). Thus I said that VR is only part of the experience, since it’s optional.
It’s by far the best thing available on PS VR right now (provided you enjoy the genre and the series).
I’m generally very easily scared by games, but this is RE, so I forced myself a little, heh. Also, it’s waaay more comfortable once you have a gun. Jump scares are there, but you still feel powerful.
I wish there was more info on the VR part of the game available, heck, anywhere. I only found one full-VR review online, and that’s a real shame. I’ve been playing VR-only so far, on original PS4, for about 3 hours total, and it’s been an absolute blast.
Not sure what “snobbery” you mean. Consoles have been more “premium” in a sense for a long, long time. PC always has a LOT more deals, cheaper games and all that. That’s what I meant, not implying that they are better or anything.
I’m 100% for curation of the presented content, and especially for curation of the official Playstation YouTube channel.
Yeah, pick any of the above. I figured people would understand, especially with “” being around the word.
Wtf is up with people. Did you see the “”? It’s not my first language, and I thought that word was fitting enough to use there.
You should maybe calm down a little. English is not my first language. I even put the damn word into quotation marks. And I simply meant that if games start being rejected for not being “good enough”, it draws a thin line.
I do think that games shouldn’t be “censored” in general, but this really doesn’t belong to consoles. If you can only produce a game of such quality, maybe bring it over to PC?
That’s true. I’m however not sure that Nintendo games are a great example of this - they are nearly always much more flat and simple than a lot of other titles, and making something like, say, Arma 3 or Star Citizen intuitive is a much, much more challenging task than doing the same for Mario Cart.
Well “too complicated” can mean a lot of things. If you played a ton of Mario as a kid, playing Mass Effect can be insanely complicated, but it’s not really the game’s fault - it’s just a deeper and more complicated experience.
Well it’s worth noting that not having the same intuition for menus and stuff very often comes with not liking games. It makes sense - if you don’t like games, why would you bother trying to understand them?
He just doesn’t seem to get it at all.
Wearing pants serves a practical purpose. It’s a mental illness because it’s something a healthy human mind simply does not want to do. And oh, it’s also illegal and goes against basic human rights, so there’s that, too.
Because normal human behavior doesn’t include mutilating dead bodies of other people?
The problem is, it’s fucking sick.
Well true. But I’d be pretty sad if I filmed something that beautiful with movement that shaky. He should’ve used a controller.