Shit, I thought that was the same car!
Shit, I thought that was the same car!
Soo much time left on the course. If this is the best, it should get much faster by this time next year. Still cool to see things in the early stages though. Drone racing is hard.
They did just trade for a guard I think yesterday..
Makes sense, I just find it all strange. Last I heard, China was all about the black Audis. So much so, that government officials were criticized because that’s all they drove. Also showing off your wealth is not frowned upon in Asian culture. Kind of the opposite really, but there’s a subtleness to it. In general,…
I don’t know if you get enough credit Tyler, but Foxtrot Alpha is seriously one of the most informative, well written, and researched blogs around. Not just in the Gawkersphere either. I genuinely enjoy what you bring to the table and appreciate the efforts you take into continually putting out good work. If you’re…
What’s with the Chinese and Buick anyway? Are they at a stellar price point, or what’s the appeal? Seems so odd to me.
Companies that hold back great products for fear of brand cannibalization always end up hurting themselves. I get the short term business worry, but how wonderful of a problem it is to have 2 great selling products. OH MY!!! I always think back to how Kodak invented the digital camera, but were too scared to bring it…
No, they’d sell too many cars and wouldn’t know what to do with the flush of income.
Not bad. That spoiler looks like it was an afterthought from a JC Whitney catalogue though.
For a second I thought the movie you were referring to was Candyman.
I knew we couldn’t keep Dennis Miller away from football commentary.
“Ugh, we’re already paying you to be the fall guy Roger”. - Owners
I’ve got a ribbed one she can use too.
Funny story... I was one of the top people at the last place I worked at and a few coworkers lower down the chain came to me worried about this rumor that they were going to begin drug testing. I immediately laughed and told them not to worry about it, because if that were to happen, they’d have to fire half the…
I agree the problem is the rule and should be changed, but no one should be surprised when they get penalized for breaking it either. If they feel strongly about it, they should form a committee and take a stand to change it, but also realize that it comes at the expense of sacrificing their professional career while…
Hahahaha. yeah I know about that “Superman” feeing. I think that really only happens to people who appreciate daily, which shouldn’t come as a surprise. In college I was a gym rat that worked out 3 hours a day, 5 days a week, while still managing to party a lot and appreciate many substances. I also used to smoke a…
They were a retired teacher and nurse, productive and serving members of society, owning multiple houses, and low and behold, liking the occasional marijuana didn’t derail their lives.
How much of this could be attributed to funding? Russia has a crumbling economy and going to war in Syria can only be driving them into more debt. I wouldn’t be surprised to hear about some sort of deal between the US and Russia that’ll help boost their economy if they withdraw from Syria. I think Russia needs money…
Make sure she brings both types of helmets...