
I can only hope when my desiccated yet mustardly tanned body is discovered in a crevasse in the year 7, 418 that whomever has the poor task of inspecting my stomach contents will come to the scientific conclusion that my species subsisted on a Douche Diet of Moon Pies, pork rinds and Lite Beer.

Lol. “Factory jobs.” The only way anything is manufactured in the U.S. is through automation with minimal human oversight. There is not a single economist in the U.S. who thinks that tariffs will result in increased GDP. Does it protect certain industries? Yeah. But increased prices ALWAYS results in decreased

The US doesn’t have tariffs? Might like to check that one.

I would prefer to see the philosophy of free trade replaced with one of what I call regulated trade.

Everyone will lose. Don’t think about FA, think about the supply chain.

Yea except a shit ton of GMs are produced in Mexico and Canada, along with Ford and FCA. Look at a recent survey of the most “American” cars on sale today. 4 out of 10 are Hondas. So they’re not at all exempt seeing as how the human dumpster fire has threatened to impose tariffs on them (CA and MX) and has an

The dodger did win.

In that moment, Altuve was thinking to himself, “I wish the Dodgers had won.”

Everything about this shot is perfect. Chip Somodevilla deserves a fucking Pulitzer for this: photographic timing, capturing the pocket square in the background, everything. I love this so much.

I don’t know about you, but when I was 21 I would have been able to figure out a solution to this problem which did not involve me drowning anything in an airport bathroom...and I was pretty drunk

I think you are taking the wrong side here...

Right? If you’re so dependent on your comfort hamster that you can’t even fly without it then I find it hard to believe you’d fucking kill it.

Pebbles will live on forever...

Republican in the front, skinhead in the back.

What are you talking about? There’s no air between those panels.

ps. What age do we live in that 2300# is ‘middle weight’? These days about 3800# is middle weight

Has he been driving Carmen Miranda around?

So Washington drafted a guy who was Rookie of the Year that they traded up for, also drafted his insurance policy, played both guys for the last six years, franchise tagged said insurance policy twice, and now traded for a QB who is four years older than Cousins and has only 1 4,000 yard passing season compared to