

If you live somewhere cold it’s likely you have the requisite gear to stay warm. There’s no cold temp in the recorded history of the lower 48 that I can not manage outside. If you use your head and your gear you can be comfortable outdoors in extreme cold.

Idaho Springs is where you stop to grab some food and fill your tank on ski trips and off road adventures. It’s been fulfilling its duty to the Colorado outdoor community for decades.  If you went there expecting something it isn’t, that’s a you problem. 

These are not at all uncommon in the Mountain West and turnkey conversions were available for purchase from multiple companies. You can still buy off the shelf conversion kits for 350s. These were the grandfathers of the current sprinter based off-roader van conversions. The seating position makes off roading

I am stoked.  I love discounts.  Now I can get a thing I don’t want for less money!

The only answer is minivan.  Stop fighting the obvious.

$4500 for what should be the base transmission? This is an interesting form of customer focused engagement.  After no one buys it because it is too expensive, they will kill it again and blame it on lack of demand.

On the one hand, I am not sure I am ok with the redneck “don’t know what it is, shoot it!” approach. On the other hand I am redneck enough to want to watch people shoot down expensive drones.

I hated owning a car in NYC so much that I sold mine after a month. It’s a fun place to live but a god awful place to own a car. She could park her shitbox near the station in Westport if the last mile issue is an issue. There is no need for a car within the city anyway.

If she lives in NYC her car is going to be contact parked into oblivion. She should keep her money and her current shitbox. She should also seriously consider taking the train to Westchester. In theory it takes twice as long but traffic says otherwise.

The “extremely high customer satisfaction” thing kills me. You hit the buyer with the survey at the point of purchase when they are loaded with dopamine and then tell them “Anything below perfect is considered a failure.” So they mash the high score and everybody pats themselves on the back. The complaints don’t

Bill and Dick have been playing with Cummins and Powerstrokes for decades. They don’t need no new turbo learnin.

Turbos historically were unreliable compared to non forced induction gasoline engines, but I think we are way past that. Heat is managed better now and the increased pressures can be managed with mechanical upgrades. Turbo diesels have been incredibly reliable for a very long time. They have some advantages with

My local Toyota lot is buried in Tacos and Land Cruisers. There are no markups, in fact I think you could probably get a little bit of a deal. The handwringing over the 4Runner availability and markups is over the top. Just be a little patient.

Patience, it won’t take that long.  My local dealer has 20 LC’s and 50 Tacoma’s and they are negotiating on prices.

The audio made my nuts tingle.

Simply?  Enforcing speed limits has never been simple.

Utah...Fighting Mississippi for the lead in coronary episodes!!

The reason the customers eyes glaze over is most of the agreements you guys engage them with are murky and opaque. Rather than explain clearly what the transaction includes you do that incredibly annoying thing where you quickly flip pages on an unnecessarily long contract and rapidly point at signing points while

This is why I could never work in auto sales. I would refuse to help this guy. He’s getting a dopamine rush from fucking his future, and I don’t want any part of it. I bartended for years and woke up one day realizing that feeding alcohol to alcoholics was morally unsustainable. This is little different.