
Teslas and many other cars are designed to avoid impact regardless of user error/pedal inanity. We can conclude that the forward collision avoidance system in this car failed. There is nothing kneejerk about that conclusion. If we are going to wear our critical thinking hats we should remember to do a tiny amount of

When it comes to the streets of our fair nation, Daylight Saving Time is a menace to safety and causes a noticeable spike in car crashes, running into the hundreds. A 2020 study suggested that car crashes are about six percent more likely in the immediate aftermath of clocks moving forward.”

You are engaged in wishful thinking. The race to the bottom has already begun.

This is going to get much, much worse. The left is waking up to the reality that the majority of Americans are unabashed idiotic, morons who couldn’t think their way out of a knee high shrub maze. The Dems are going to go just as deep into selling to the stupid as the Republicans have and we are fast tracking toward

The thing is, if they didn’t make accommodations for your brother they could easily get slapped with an ADA suit. Some places have proper family bathrooms for people with disabilities. Others put the load on their staffs and patrons.

How do they suppose domestic production will suddenly ramp up? AND if the costs of the goods with tariffs do not exceed the costs of production overseas, will anyone bother?

Only a good guy who's distracted can stop a bad guy who’s distracted!!!

It is definitely a road where 60 is not risky or outlandish.  No calming measures are needed on that stretch.  What is needed is a universal cell ban for drivers.

The Rockies have star players?

Uh…Long sigh.

If you are buying a 6 figure car built on a rapidly emerging technology, you get what you get. If you are not aware of the risk of depreciation it is a you problem.

I can’t wait!!!

I think all the Cs are gone.  

It’s too bad there aren’t big discounts on a huge old pile of 300cs. I might care.

As far as inflation and deportation is concerned. The US workforce is approximately 160 Million people. 8 million of those people are undocumented workers. That’s 5%. That 5% is heavily concentrated in the trades. It is estimated that half or more of plasterers, drywall installers, roofers , framers etc are

Look at effective tax rates for most blue chips and see if the theory that the “Market Jumped Because Tax Cuts” holds water. Most corporations aren’t currently paying 21%. Examples Fed Ex is paying 0% and Verizon is paying 8%. Any further cuts will not be anywhere close to a significant reduction. If Verizon’s cut

I’ve owned a bunch of Audis. What they had was super clean interiors, they hid screens when not in use and useful buttons/knobs were easy to find while keeping your eye’s on the road. They were not super edgy in their delivery of performance but they just ate miles and corners while maintaining very good manners.

Tribalism makes people stupid.  Clinton, Obama and Biden were great for markets.  Why the trade bro’s hate Dems is impossible to rectify with reason.

Sadly, no. There is a housing shortage and mass deportations will make it worse. Deregulation will not crater the housing market. It will get worse as no one will hold the corporations who do mass neighborhood buys to account and there will be fewer workers to build houses to fill the void.

Dream on.  Mass deportations will halt any chance of correcting the low housing supply.  The economy will tank AND houses will continue to be unobtainable.