
I’m guessing that the two hunters that drove that Bronco are now roasting on a spit somewhere.

Kinja is borked. I would love to reboot to it’s last stable version but what comes before version 0.0?

Every 10 people gathered, they lost a point in their iQ.

I have a bridge to sell anyone that seriously believes that you will reduce the number of traffic accidents by calling them crashes.

lmao I have tri-citizenship as well; USA, France, and Canada. Every day I want to declare war, surrender, then apologize for it.

Obviously Kanye’s place is that big for his wife’s ass and his ego.

If the other party brought a scary looking armed guy along for my Craigslist deal I would be very worried. How can I be sure that guy is from a trusted 3rd party security company and not there to rob me? I am gonna want to hire my own goons. Next thing you know every craigslist transaction is gonna involve 12 guys in

Crap, I forgot I was on Jalopnik. I meant to say VWs,wagons, shooting brakes, Miatas and ugly shit boxes like the Thing are the greatest things ever.

Anticipating his move to Chrysler and the dawn of the K car, he wanted to remove the more reliable and sophisticated competition before hand.

I’ve never commented on Kinja nor have i felt compelled to. But I can’t help myself; the current state of America is completely fucked. Period. And no one is listening.

There is a way to make it look better, over here in the UK it was called the Chevette HSR

That little pour ‘spout’ design is responsible for more spilled oil than the Exxon Valdez. It might look like it’ll help you cleanly transfer your used oil into a separate container, but half of it will end up on your garage floor no matter how careful you try to be.

Ever heard of peak load shaving? That's what these batteries will be for, not for people to go off the grid entirely (though they could do that, I guess, if they were willing to pay enough and sit through times with no power). Right now, one of the problems with solar and wind power is that they don't produce

Also, the rails all have "HECHO EN MEXICO" stenciled on them. Another accounting decision, I'm certain.

Not changing your oil. Please try to keep up.

Is it wrong that I believe that is the most Jalop car ever made...

You know why casinos and halls like that have such awful carpets? So you don't want to look at it, you keep your head up, and look at all the other things to spend money on. Seriously, I'm not being a smart-ass, it's true.

Was I too harsh?

Homeopathy claims water can cure you, because it once held medicine.

Even this is a pretty charitable view. Homeopathy claims water can cure you, because it once held something, which may or may not be medicine.

Oscillococcinum, a popular homeopathic preparation for the flu (sorry, for "flu-like symptoms"), contains